Disposable email with Mailnesia to register on the sites

Every time you enter a site that requires registration, you always get a little bad and ask yourself whether it is worth registering or whether that site will then not use my email address to spam or send advertising messages.
Here then, the most prudent, register to websites using a temporary and anonymous Email address, one of those disposable addresses that are needed just to receive the confirmation message.
But all this takes time: go to create the temporary email address, register to the site, return to the mailbox, click the confirmation link, return to the site you have registered for and log in.
To avoid all this laborious process, a temporary EMail box has been released that automatically clicks the confirmation links speeding up all the work.
For example, if you want to register at one of the sites to listen to playlists and selections of streaming music, you can use a Mailnesia email address by entering, for example, .
You don't even need to register with Mailnesia, you just need to invent any email address that ends with @mailnesia and register wherever you want.
MailNesia allows you to create disposable email addresses on the fly, without having to go through your site, to register accounts on sites and forums or for any reason you do not want to reveal your real identity via email.
The feature that makes this service a sample of the category is that it automatically opens the emails received and clicks on the account activation links, thus completing the registration process on its own.
In fact, most websites send emails with an activation link because they want to be sure that a truly existing address that they own is provided.
The user must then open the email and click on the link to verify that he is actually the owner of that email.
This is a good practice for avoiding abuse by people who could provide someone else's nonexistent, or worse, email addresses.
MailNesia automatically clicks on the links and avoids the hassle of having to do it manually.
In summary, the next time you have to register to a site, register with an address , wait a few seconds to allow time for the website to send the activation email to the MailNesia and Mailnesia address of open it and click the link, proceed to the login page and access.
MailNesia also provides an RSS feed for each mailbox so you can convert a newsletter received via email into an RSS feed to be read with Google Reader.

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