Convert images and texts into music and sounds

Just to end the year in joy with curious ideas and original and experimental programs, here we see particular ways to transform images and texts into music . I absolutely do not feel like giving a judgment on the usefulness and credibility of tools of this type, I only point them out because they are rather curious and worth trying, perhaps with your own photo or motto!
These are not innovative and revolutionary programs but only imaginative applications which, according to a criterion, associate colors or letters with musical notes.
There are two programs related to images and an online service that converts text to music.
READ ALSO: Music apps to turn words into music or a Rap (Android and iPhone)
1) The first is RGB MusicLab, a free program for MAC and Windows.
It converts the RGB-based colors (red, green and blue) that make up an image into sounds . The program reads the RGB value of the pixel starting from the upper left of the image up to the lower right. Each pixel produces a harmony of three notes given by the RGB value while the length of the note is determined by the brightness. An RGB value of 120 or 121 is the center C in the scale, where black points are equivalent to no sound.
It therefore seems a conversion that is not casual but based on a well-defined criterion and, the same image, always produces the same sequence of musical notes.
By varying the number of pixels present, more or less long music can be generated. Different types of plans are also available and there are other parameters with which to vary the final result. The music file is a MIDI that can be listened to and saved on the computer.
2) I2sm is a program similar to RGB Music Converter and works in the same way, associating each color with a musical note to transform the image into music. In this case, however, the result can be varied based on certain choice settings. Here you can select only one image area from which to start the conversion and you can choose (left mouse + Shift) which color is the center C of the scale. Also in this software you can choose the resolution with which to process the image to convert more or less pixels and make music consequently longer or shorter. You can also configure the duration of the musical notes.
In general, with both programs, it will be difficult to generate music worthy of the name; most likely any image you will use will look more like a jumble of notes placed haphazardly in a row.
3) If you are unsuccessful with pictures or photos, you could try converting words and texts into music .
In this case there is no program, you just have to go to the P22 MusicFont website which claims to use a conversion technique for which a musical note is associated with each letter. You can choose the instrument and the speed of beats per minute (bpm) and you can save the Midi file on your computer in case you like the result.
Pure experimentation for its own sake ...

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