Quake Live is played online for free from an internet browser

Quake, one of the most famous FPS games in history, has been released for an online version, playable for free .
In another article we have listed the best 8 free and free FPS games to play online .
Quake Live is an energetic and fast Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter, that is a shooter, with a first person view, to play online against other people who play online.
The project is financed by the in-game advertising, and is released as a free download to be played directly through a browser .
The game works in fact through a Quake browser plugin, and the game installation file is only 3.78 MB.
Quake Live is based on the Quake III engine and it's great to see how fast and fluid it is in its action and the fact that it is a browser game is quickly forgotten when you start the game in full screen.
The game is set in 30 arenas of different sizes, and over 250, 000 players who will shoot each other with rifles and cannons, for a fight to the death.
The graphics are certainly of a lower quality, especially when compared to games of the caliber of Crysis or Far Cry 2.
If on the one hand the game runs very well with all PCs, even the older ones, it is also true that, who owns the latest generation graphics cards, will take advantage of only a small part.
The game is currently limited to Firefox and Internet Explorer on Windows, but developers are expected to bring the game to Mac and Linux soon.
The game types available are:
Free for All (FFA), also known as Deathmatch, is an all against all without teams.
Duel (1v1), on the other hand, is a one-on-one ten-minute game between two players, whoever is killed fewer times by the opponent wins.
Team Deathmatch (TDM) is the team challenge, facing each other, you score points by killing members of the opposing team.
Clan Arena (CA), two teams face off and the team that remains alive kills all the opponents wins.
Capture the Flag, two teams compete in the classic game of stealing the flag. Each team tries to steal the flags of other teams, protecting their own.
Being an online game that works from the browser, it can be played from any PC connected to the internet, with your own account.
The flaw of Quake Live, however, is the queue, which is the wait to enter a match and play that I found a little long compared to normal.
Developers are expected to file this flaw until it disappears in the next few days.
Quake live is a beautiful online game, perhaps one of the best free and I can only advise you to register and play at least one game even if, be careful behind you ...

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