Disable Facebook applications, requests and invitations forever

Facebook was born as a site that allows you to communicate with friends, relatives and chosen contacts but it is also a way to spend time, someone would say, to waste time.
Then there are a lot of things that can be done on Facebook, games, surveys, tests, riddles, watching videos and much more made possible by applications.
It must be said, however, that if one uses Facebook only for social reasons, therefore only to keep in touch with friends and does not want to have time to play with applications and everything else, he may prefer to remove them forever and block them all in a way. permanent .
Generally speaking, I can also say that everyone who uses Facebook, even if they play some online games and use applications, may no longer want to receive invitations from friends such as those from Farmville or Poker.
Many applications are annoying, send automatic messages, publish things on the profile and, at times, they are almost viruses that want to steal personal data.
As for invitations to use Facebook applications, it is possible to block forever those that clog the page of requests .
It's not about blocking events or requests to become fans but only invitations to applications.
Under each invitation just click on " Block this application " so as to permanently block it.
For example, if Farmville freezes, the game page will no longer be visible even if you search for it with Google.
If the requests all came from one or a few people, instead of canceling the friendship, always from the invitations page, you can press on the item: " Ignore all the invitations from this friend ".
A privacy setting has recently been put on Facebook which, finally, allows you to block and delete all applications in one go .
Not only will the Facebook applications currently installed be removed but you will no longer receive invitations or notifications to install because it will be disabled forever .
To disable and block all Facebook applications, if you never use them, you have to go to the menu with the wheel at the top right, choose the settings and then go to the Applications tab.
Now there are two possibilities:
1) Remove, individually or all together, unwanted Facebook applications, checking those to be deleted from your profile.
This option does not block anything, it is similar to that obtained by clicking, from the account menu, the item Application settings, only this time they will be able to see all together immediately.
After removal, the saved information and settings may be permanently deleted and friends will not be able to interact using these applications and websites.
2) Deactivate the platform .
Pressing the deactivate button, under the " Elements you use " section, a new window opens that allows you to choose which applications to delete forever.
If you press " select all ", all those in the list will be deactivated.
As a result, friends will not be able to use these items to interact while the saved information and settings will be permanently deleted.
This operation is irreversible and also disables social plugins, such as the "Like" which can be seen below or on the side (and you must press!).
In case you want to reactivate a previously blocked application, always from the privacy settings page, there is the link, in the bottom center, where " Blocked elements " is written, for the modification of the " lists of people and blocked applications. ".
In other articles I had already explained how to remove applications on Facebook and how to block invitations to quizzes and tests.

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