Save web pages and sites to PDF

Converting a web page to PDF is especially useful for storing an article or text found on the internet for offline reading or for being able to email it to someone or even to use it for study or for some work.
To save a web page in pdf on PC there are today various methods, both using external tools, and also without using programs, using tools integrated in the system.
This is possible on Macs and then also on Windows 10 PCs and also using Google Chrome, where you can choose to download a website page in PDF from its printing options.
However, printing a website to PDF can be complicated by the website itself, which in many cases includes many uninteresting elements on the page such as advertisements or links to other news.
The best solutions to create a PDF by converting the pages of a website are, on Windows PC, the following:
1) With Google Chrome you can save every web page in PDF
The easiest way to save a web page as a PDF is by using the Google Chrome web browser without using extensions or external programs.
You can then press the CTRL-P key combination or click, from the tools menu, the Print key and in the tab that opens choose, in the destination field on the right, the Save as PDF option and then press the Save key.
The saved PDF resulting from the operation is complete with images and text.
2) In Windows 10 you can save to PDF using any web browser
Still using the Print function, if you have enabled the Windows 10 PDF printer, then you can select, among the available printers, the one called Microsoft Print To PDF .
NOTE: Using Microsoft Edge as a browser, always in Windows 10, the printer selection window is that of the browser, easier to use, but identical to the traditional one in terms of content.
3) PDF printer
If you have installed a virtual printer to create pdf, you can press the print button on any browser and choose the printer generated by the installation of the program, to see it saved on your computer as a PDF file.
4) Save to PDF from Firefox.
Those who use Firefox and do not use Windows 10 can install the Save as PDF extension for Firefox .
With this extension it will be possible to print on PDF every web page, even divided into several pages if it were a long text that does the same thing seen for Chrome and that, if the site was long vertically, divides it into multiple pages without doing cuts.
5) Use a program that converts websites into pdf documents.
As a program to print PDF on file you can use one of those reported in the program guide to convert OFfice documents to PDF .
6) Using a web application
You can convert a web page or website to PDF using one of these immediate and easy to use websites.
- PDFMyUrl allows you to create a PDF from any web page by entering the internet address in the space provided.
You can also add the bookmarklet as a button in the bookmarks bar and convert any site without having to copy and paste.
This online tool (without registration and free) performs a perfect conversion, with the division of the pages consistently, dividing the sections without cutting the lines as other converters do (including html2pdf seen above).
The pdf file is then immediately downloaded to your computer automatically.
This fourth option is, in my opinion, the best choice for converting websites to pdf files .
- Web2PDf Convert is another site where you just need to paste the URL of the page to save as a PDF to be able to download it for free and without registration.
The site also offers a set of options, by pressing the screwdriver button, which allows you to decide the layout (the edges and margins) of the page to be saved.
7) Print web pages eliminating the superfluous .
If you want to save a blog page or newspaper article, if the site to be saved as a PDF does not have a button like the one below, then you can use an external service to delete everything that is not the text of the article. .
We have seen in another article what are the best services for printing web pages without figures, images and advertisements.
Obviously then you will have to use a PDF printer to save the page in a file.

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