Search for Videos in every area of ​​the world: Youtube Maps

All over the world, many people upload and share videos on Youtube, most of which are seen only by a few people, remaining hidden in a really huge pile.
There are several ways to search for videos on Youtube, including based on where they were recorded (if who made the video has set up geolocation).
This is particularly interesting, for example, to see videos that are recorded in hot areas, during demonstrations, social unrest or natural disasters that testify to important world events.
To search for Youtube videos based on the place where they were recorded and shared there are at least 3 sites.
1) Geo Search Tool is a site that uses the YouTube search function mixed with the Google Maps API.
The application is also used by news agencies to find movies and filter videos based on location, keywords and when they were uploaded .
To search for geolocated videos, set latitude and longitude or write the name of the city and then, in the advanced options, the range of action to include a larger area.
The radius can be in meters, kilometers or miles with a maximum size of 1000 km.
2) Youtube Map Explorer was a similar site (no longer exists) that allows you to point and click a point on the map to see a randomly extracted video shared or recorded in that area.
The unofficial project allows you to explore the vast database of videos on YouTube, choosing to see the videos inserted in a certain part of the world.
You can adjust the search radius from the top right button, from zero to 30 kilometers.
At the top left there is a switch that should work to view the latest uploaded video in a chosen area.
Unfortunately there is no time filter here so the videos are randomly extracted and can even be from several years ago.
3) Youtube Videos near me is a site similar to the other two, where you can use the pointer on the map to view a video shared from that point, quickly and easily, without any option.
READ ALSO: Find videos online on the internet

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