Empty folders automatically to delete or move data on the PC

Windows is an excellent operating system only that to do some simple things you need to add special tools because of its own, it cannot do everything.
I am referring in particular to file operations: move, copy and paste, rename or delete. These operations can obviously be done but when we are in front of a computer we would like it to do them automatically following the rules dictated by the user that are valid once and for all.
Among the automatic processes, we have seen, in another post, how to rename several files together, useful for, for example, rearranging photographs when they are downloaded by thousands from the digital camera or mobile phone.
In this case instead we see how to automate, in a completely personalized way, the procedure for deleting files that are no longer used or how to move them from one folder to another to keep them sorted on the computer.
From the American LifeHacker portal you can download a very small program called Belvedere which is used to create rules to automatically remove, delete or move files that satisfy certain properties. The Tool is very small, it installs quickly and runs in the background indicated by a small icon in the task bar at the bottom right. Memory consumption is around 9 MB and I would say it is acceptable.
Once opened, you must select the folder where the files you want to delete or move are, by clicking on the + under the Folders column. In the next column there are the rules and also in this case you can click on the + to add a new one or press the "Edit Rules" button if you want to modify a previously set rule.
The rules are created through a very intuitive graphical interface to understand. Basically we have an "If" which means "if", any or all of the listed conditions are true, then (Do the following), perform an action.
Among the conditions the choice includes, as variables, the name of the file, its extension, the creation date, the date of last modification and that of the last time it was opened. Among the actions, however, there are: moving the file from one folder to another, deleting it, putting it in the recycle bin, renaming it and copying it.
Belvedere's need and utility falls within the scope of maintenance and organization of a computer's files. To avoid filling the disk with unused data or not to get lost in the midst of huge folders full of files thrown in together without any criteria.
Everything is in the concept of temporary folder, to be created and used so that what is inside is deleted, for example, one month after the creation date or the last use. For example, when you download programs and data from the Internet and put them all in the same folder, with this program it is possible to automate the operations of moving and deleting, thus setting that the .exe files not used for 4 months and more than 10 MB, can be deleted or say that the images, therefore the files with the .jpg extension, are moved into the images folder and so on. The only thing to pay attention to is to set the rules well and try them with the "Test" button before making them operational so as not to risk deleting important data. The author recommends not to use this program with important system folders (those inside C: / Windows) in order to avoid damaging your computer.
READ ALSO: Empty the Windows recycle bin automatically

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