Sites with HTML and CSS guides, tutorials, code examples, online editor

Ever since I started writing on this blog, even if I have tried to design web pages in a simple way, I have always had to try to understand the html codes because, even using the easiest and perfect automatic system to create a site, the need to add custom html code there is always. I'm not a professional webmaster but everyone who has a blog or site should at least know the basic elements of basic HTML tags
I can also indicate various online portals that act as global support for those who want to learn and also for managers and developers of websites. Even considering that technologies have changed over time with the birth of new programming languages ​​such as PHP, Javascript, CSS and so on, it is necessary, even for the most experienced, to have educational reference points for Webmasters and web-designers .
So, since there are certainly a lot of rather poor and avoidable websites, we see the best sites that have examples and HTML code guides and web applications that allow you to do tests, exercises, experiments and tests with online editors . The following sites not only offer a good and solid basis for learning HTML, but also offer the best learning environment, with interactive tools that can be used to verify what is learned and try it out on the field.
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1) The best sites to learn HTML and programming on the internet are CodePen and the sites to do programming tests, which also provide tutorials, guides and many tutorials and examples to study and try with immediate preview.
2) HTML Dog is the first site to go if you forget how to use an HTML and CSS command or instruction .
The site is well designed and, above all, very updated unlike other sites dedicated to web design that often contain obsolete guides.
HTML Dog provides, for each function, tag or attribute, a clear example of code that you can copy and paste in your editor.
There are three tutorial levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Even if the site is in English, it is very easy to consult even for those who know it superficially.
Using the search field, you can get instructions and examples for using a particular tag.
3) W3Schools is perhaps the best website to find less standard and more imaginative codes.
It contains lots of code examples, from PHP CSS and HTML, to XML and Javascript .
The most useful thing about the W3Schools site is a useful split screen tool where you can test the code you learn in each lesson .
If you modify the HTML code in the box editor you can immediately see the result in preview so as to do all the tests you want.
This tool leads me to open a parenthesis and report other sites that provide an online and instant html editor, very useful for practicing by doing tests and seeing what happens by changing values ​​and commands.
- HTML Instant is the most famous of the HTML online editors where you write code on the left and you immediately see how it is seen on the right
- HTML Edit is similar to HTML Instant only that the editor is above and the preview below.
- JsBin is very useful for adding javascript like jQuery, Prototype and others.
4) Quackit is on the same level as W3Schools, with many examples of basic and advanced html .
All codes can be copied and pasted on your website.
For each example, both the programming code and the graphic result are shown.
In the menu at the bottom left there are automatic code generators where, by filling in fields in a personalized way, you can generate the portion of code you need.
5) LandOfCode offers an online editor, divided into two parts, to test the HTML code.
On the site there are numerous examples of HTML code, although the formatting leaves a little to be desired.
The LandOfCode online editor is more advanced than that of the W3School because it has additional buttons that allow you to view the results in a new window and not just in the display area on the right.
6) is the best Italian site for reading guides and insights on the HTML code used to create a website.
If it were not for the massive presence of advertising it would be excellent, with many examples to copy and paste for your needs.
However, the language used is not too simple and it is almost better to read the guides from one of the English sites above.
7) is another great site to read, study and search for guides to use HTML, CSS tags and find examples of all kinds of website code.
Out of curiosity, you can go to the WebPagesThatSuck website where you can look at how a web page should not be made, what mistakes to avoid and where to read the ranking of the worst sites in the world.
Finally, I remember another page of this blog with the best online resources to download HTML, CSS and Javascript synthesis schemes, to be printed .

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