If the computer is acting as a DNS server, the internet is going faster

On this topic I would like to have some expert opinion to understand the effective effectiveness of having a DNS proxy. Basically, to speed up your internet connection, in addition to the various automatic configurations to be set on Windows, you can use a different DNS server than the one provided by your internet provider. When you open a website on the browser, writing, for example, navigaweb.net, the computer before accessing the site, contacts a server asking it which IP address it must connect to to open the Navigaweb pages.
On another occasion I said that it was possible to open the Internet faster using different DNS than those automatically provided by the provider and also that it was possible to verify which of them was the fastest to respond.
On this occasion we see another alternative to browse faster, that is creating a DNS cache or DNS proxy on your computer, so that the websites you visit open immediately, without contacting any external server .
READ ALSO: How to change DNS on PC, Mac and router quickly
In practice, it is as if you were transforming your computer into a DNS server which automatically feeds itself on the basis of the Internet addresses visited. It is a way of storing on the PC the name-site-ip address associations so, therefore, DNS searches take place locally.
All of this should have a positive effect on internet browsing speed.
A good program, similar to the old TreeWalk, is Dns Speeder, free, which accepts the requests of the DNS client (the web browser or other applications that connect to the internet) and looks for the IP address of the requested site in its local cache .
If the domain is found, the results are sent to the client. Otherwise, the request is sent to the default DNS server in the network connection and adds the new domain to its list so, next time, it will be found.
I don't know if this concept is clear, which perhaps requires some more advanced knowledge of computer science and networks, however we can recapitulate by looking for very simple words. With DNS Speeder, you get a list of websites associated with their ip address, on your computer that becomes similar to a DNS server, that is, to the provider's computer that contains the entire list of existing sites in the world. Obviously the list on your computer will be much smaller and based on the history of the websites contacted.
In theory, by avoiding the passage to a remote server, you get a speed gain when opening a website .
Those who use the Chrome browser will have noticed, in the geek settings, the " use DNS pre- read " option which should have, roughly, the same effect as DNS Speeder.
The program can be executed by double clicking on the executable file, without any installation. It automatically replaces the DNS address of the Internet connection with (it is the internal IP address and means "itself") so that all DNS searches go through the program. The existing DNS settings, even if replaced, are not lost because DNS Speeder continues to use the same primary and secondary DNS address to resolve internet addresses.
Initially the cache is empty, when you start browsing the registration of the various sites begins. The stored web addresses are visible on the program window and the list is updated in real time.
It is also possible to obtain detailed information about the number of DNS queries made and to filter a filter to exclude access to certain websites by blocking them .
After starting the program I had received an error which then disappeared after restarting the computer.
By default DNS Speeder is set to start automatically so to remove it you have to delete this option.
I would be curious to know, from those who try it for a few days, if they notice improvements in the speed of opening websites.

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