Periodic table of the elements online and to be printed

One of those things that the internet has made available to everyone is school resources for students, especially those of high school and university.
On the internet there are already written papers, degree theses, translated Latin and Greek versions, the commented Divine Comedy, online calculators for solving mathematical equations and functions, algebra and analysis, programs for students of mathematics and engineering and much more.
One thing that could not miss is the table of elements to be used in chemistry and physics .
I was doing some research in this regard to report the best sites that presented a table of elements with as many explanations as possible but, in the end, I found one that beats all the others in a disarming way.
The periodic table of the elements is the graphic scheme in which the atoms are ordered in tabular form .
It was conceived by the Russian chemist Mendeleev in 1869 who ordered the elements based on their atomic number Z (which is the number of protons).
Those who study chemistry know very well that this periodic table is built on the basis of the groups, the columns of the table, where there are elements with similar characteristics and in periods, the rows, which (I would not say nonsense) corresponds to the atomic number.
Beyond these trivial explanations, the periodic table of elements visible on the site, in Italian, is a dynamic web application where you can look at the layout of the table, click on each single element to see everything about it from Wikipedia and with so many keys to press to see every single property .
So you can, at a glance, immediately understand what are the metals, the non-put them, the noble gases, you can see photos and videos for each element, the melting point to heat and many other properties that I prefer not to explain so as to avoid a bad figure ...
The visualization is large and clear and, for each box of Mendeleev 's periodic table, there is the detailed configuration of the electrons and the graphic representation of the atom and its orbitals.
In short, without reading too much my poor considerations of chemistry, I can recommend this periodic table of elements to all those who study chemistry or physics and also to those who work in this area because a representation made in this way has no equal.
The table can also be saved on the computer in image format to be printed on a sheet; you must click where PNG Periodic Table is written.
With the Windows PC program, pElement, you can view the periodic table directly on the desktop, without an internet connection.
This little software also contains a lot of information and notions of chemistry very useful to those who have to study it.
Finally, 3D Periodic Table is a web app for Chrome that shows the complete periodic table in 3D, which shows all kinds of technical information on each of the elements: electrons, protons, atomic weight, atomic number etc.

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