Faster operating system than Windows 10

Windows 10 is for many users the best operating system released by Microsoft, which has been able to treasure the good things seen with the old Windows 7 and has adjusted the shooting after releasing Windows 8 and 8.1 (very beautiful but little appreciated).
Windows 10 also boasts an excellent startup and program execution speed, also thanks to the new hybrid hibernation with which the system shuts down and starts up (with which you can get the power on in a few seconds).
But if we wanted a faster operating system than Windows 10, what should we focus on?> Best Linux Distributions to install for all computers and needs
Things to know before using GNU / Linux
GNU / Linux was a difficult system to manage, especially for novice users with the computer world.
Between terminal and kernel, a distribution could hardly be used to replace Windows in daily use without learning at least the fundamentals of GNU / Linux.
Today things have changed a lot: Linux distributions are simple to use, offer most of the programs already used even on Windows (Firefox, Chrome and GIMP just to give some examples), do not require frequent use of the terminal and can also be managed by those who do not chew IT terms daily.
Despite everything, it is better to know some of the main differences compared to any version of Windows:
- Programs do not install with exe or setups : on Linux we will not have to download the files with which we install a program on Windows, because this system uses other methods for installation.
Almost all distributions adopt packages with which you can add any program, the most popular are DEB and RPM (when we want a new program, we make sure that packages with these extensions are present).
- Linux often asks for the password : compared to Windows Linux can request the system password (chosen during installation) also to install a program or to access advanced features.
Even if the latest versions of the Linux operating systems have reduced the appearance of the authorization windows, these could appear at any time so it is better to get used to them (they are completely similar to the confirmation windows that appear on Windows!).
- The terminal should learn how to use it : even if many operations can be carried out without ever using a terminal, it will surely happen to have to use it if problems arise or we have to install a program via external sources (repository).
Pretending it's not there isn't the solution!
- The hardware could create some problems : one of the limitations of GNU / Linux is that some peripherals or components of the PC may not work correctly with the drivers integrated in Linux, thus leading to problems of various kinds.
The peripherals most sensitive to a hardware problem are: WiFi, Bluetooth, printers and scanners.
In many cases it is solved by installing the Linux driver provided by the component manufacturer, in other cases it will be necessary to act as a terminal to restore correct operation.
In most cases, however, everything works 100% without having to touch anything, the risk has fallen to a minimum in these years and in the case it is full of guides on the Internet (at least for those who have the time and patience to solve the problem).
Faster operating systems than Windows 10
After showing you the things to know before trying a GNU / Linux distribution, we will present you in this part of the guide the operating systems certainly faster than Windows 10.
All distributions have been tested and, all other things being equal, have had a faster execution and startup speed than the version of Windows 10 installed.
1) Xubuntu
The first GNU / Linux distribution that we recommend you try is Xubuntu, which can be downloaded for free from here -> Xubuntu .

This operating system uses Xfce as a graphic environment, one of the lightest and most functional currently in circulation.
The interface is reminiscent of OS X for the arrangement of the bar and menus, but it can be completely customized (for example by moving the bar down Windows-style and changing the elements on the bar).
Excellent compatibility as well as program support; it originates from Ubuntu (another heavier Linux distribution) and therefore allows you to install new programs through the software center inside it (with thousands of programs) or by installing the DEB packages that can be downloaded from the Internet.
Xubuntu runs on PCs with less than 2 GB of RAM and with any processor, even dual-core.
2) Linux Mint
Another operating system that we can try as an alternative to Windows 10 is Linux Mint, available for download here -> Linux Mint .

This system presents Cinnamon as a graphic environment, developed specifically for Mint which combines speed of execution with graphic design.
The result is a fast and elegant operating system, easily customizable with extensions and programs (available from the integrated store or via DEB packages).
Linux Mint is one of the most suitable systems for novice users with Linux thanks to the integration of proprietary drivers (for the correct start of the problematic components) and to the request of a password really reduced to the bone (practically only once for each boot or only in case of kernel installation).
Linux Mint runs on machines with at least 2 GB of RAM and a dual-core CPU.
3) Elementary OS
The last GNU / Linux operating system that we want to recommend is Elementary OS, available here -> Elementary OS, which I have already talked about in the past as the easiest and fastest operating system to use.

The system takes full cue from Mac OS X and presents a very similar interface, with the lower bar where there are open programs and shortcuts plus an upper bar with all the information and menus in the foreground window, as well as to the system buttons.
As a distribution it is a bit atypical but goes straight to the heart of those looking for a beautiful and engaging operating system, with practically zero use of the terminal and almost completely absent warning windows.
Little customizable, but able to meet the needs of any user thanks to the numerous programs already present or downloadable from the store.
It supports DEB packages for the installation of external programs, being based on Ubuntu it also shares hardware compatibility.
The distribution is available for free download, with an option to support developers through donation.
Elementary OS runs on any PC with at least 2 GB of RAM and a dual-core CPU.
READ ALSO: Best light and fast Linux based portable operating systems

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