Translate app text and menus into Italian (Android)

All the most popular applications have always been translated into Italian too, but in some cases, the menus, buttons and instruction screens may be written in other languages, which is usually English, but in some cases can also be Chinese. In all these cases, those who cannot read in English or find an app entirely written in Chinese (just think of the Xiaomi apps for example), can use an immediate, innovative and very powerful translation tool.
You can then translate each Android app, convert the text inside the menus, buttons and in each text box, in Italian or in another language of your choice.
The Android smartphone app that allows you to do this magic is Free Screen Translator . Once the application is installed, open it and, before anything else, authorize it to use the accessibility services that the translator needs to read the contents of other apps. Once the authorization is granted, you can select the app to be translated from the list and then choose the source and target language. As a language to be translated, automatic detection can be left, especially if it is to be translated from Chinese, the target language can be Italian or any other.
At this point, after closing the video of the advertisement, you can start the chosen application that will have all the menus translated into Italian, in a perfect way and without spoiling in any way the experience and usability of the launched app. Depending on the length of the text, the application may take some processing time. The app also works to translate games into Italian, which are often only in English.
Speaking of accuracy, most of the time it is absolutely spot on also because this automatic tool is based on the Google Translate API.
For this reason, many languages ​​are supported in addition to Italian and English.
READ ALSO: Immediate translations on Android from every app, chat and Whatsapp with Google Translate

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