Organize soccer tournaments and find games to play near home

In Italy, you know, football is the national sport, many watch it on television, many play it on an amateur level.
A game of soccer, he never refuses and even when some old friend calls us who hasn't made himself heard in a lifetime, and, without even saying goodbye, he asks us "Do you want to play soccer tonight" There is one missing! ", Even if we don't even remember what he looks like, he always said "YES".
Organizing a football game is almost impossible since 22 players should be found and even a kicker is not so simple, 16 are needed.
Instead the soccer is more immediate, the game lasts an hour, the field is small, you get tired less (relatively), even blowjobs can play and you can even put a bag on goal.
For those who want to play soccer but do not have friends with the same passion or for those who want to organize a tournament and involve other people, here comes the internet and its social networks dedicated to soccer and sport in general.
We are not talking about Facebook this time but about some Italian or Italian websites dedicated to amateur sport in general and soccer in particular.
1) The first website to report is Konkuri, a web application used to organize football, soccer or any other sport tournaments .
This site is international but the well translated Italian version exists.
It is not a soccer specialist and it is not a meeting point, but an online tool that provides the user with an easy-to-use platform for creating calendars of sporting events, organizing teams and organizing a tournament .
You don't have to download anything to get started, just log on to the site and fill in the fields: Sport, name of the tournament, type of tournament (championship or knockout cup) and number of participants.
At that point an ad hoc web page is created with a specific address where all those who participate will be able to get information and stay updated on the rankings, results, calendar with dates and news .
The data are automatically managed according to the sport chosen.
For each game to be played, you can mark the time and, through a blog made available, you can inform all participating players about news, curiosities and news with the possibility for everyone to add their post-game comments .
Konkuri offers this tool online for free, stores data with confidence, is always online and accessible by everyone and practically allows you to create the tournament site effortlessly and interactively.
To save the data entered and the tournament, you obviously have to register, which is not required if you just want to try the service.
Konkuri can be used for any competition, be it a card game, fantasy football, a poker tournament, an online video game or a sport .
2) Fubles is instead dedicated only to soccer and is a social network that acts as a meeting point for passionate players .
On this Italian site it is possible to organize soccer matches and tournaments, in the city where you live and invite other users to register .
Fubles is the best of the sites for organizing Italian soccer tournaments, which over the years has become an example of an innovative idea.
Each registered user is assumed to be organizing a tournament or a single soccer match or is looking for games to join that are played near home.
Social activity then becomes fun because this portal provides tools to fill in the report cards of those who have played a certain game and makes a ranking of the best players based on the games they have won.
For each match organized, the time and address of the soccer field are indicated with precision .
If one wants to organize it, fill in the data and wait for people to register; when it reaches the number, 10 players, the site closes the adhesions.
After the game has been played, each participant will be able to make his / her assessments and report cards, also indicating any hoaxes so that in the future, they will not repeat themselves if one says he plays and then does not come without warning).
3) Sportilia is similar to the previous sites, those for finding people for the soccer match organized in a geographical area, in Italy.
The advantage is that it catalogs all the sports facilities with the fields, in the Italian cities, the defect instead is that there are few people participating and it is difficult to find the game to join or find players for the organized tournament.
If the online Italian soccer community grows, we will have an excellent meeting point where to organize games and find people to play.
4) To close the article, a gem for football and soccer fans: a web application to create the album sticker of the Panini footballers.
Just go to the Baseball Card Generator site, upload your photograph, choose Soccer as a sport, write the name of the team and the position on the pitch to get your own figurine image.

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