Notification of friends lost or removed on Facebook

If you had 290 friends on Facebook yesterday and today they have become 288 there are three reasons that can explain this decrease:
1) the 2 friends have removed the friendship .
2) the 2 contacts have been banned by Facebook which has deleted its profile.
3) They have deleted themselves from Facebook or have deactivated their account and are therefore no longer present.
Facebook however does not give any notification if someone is no longer a friend and cancels the friendship relationship so it is difficult to know who is missing and why. To be warned every time a friend is lost and is no longer in contact, there are three solutions, two Facebook applications and one solution via a web browser.
The idea behind these methods to receive alerts and notifications when someone cancels the friendship is simple: Take note of all the Facebook profiles listed as friends and compare this list every day so as to find the name of those who are disappeared from the list. Instead of doing this work by hand, there is an application that does this check daily and sends the notification of the lost friend .
Who.Deleted.Me is perhaps a more complete application, always free, which allows you to receive notification of both new friends and those who are no longer there, both because they have canceled, and if they have instead eliminated friendship.
Both this application and the other, work from the moment they are installed and used, are not retroactive and cannot know who has eliminated the friendship before. Who Deleted Me sends up to one Email per day, when it finds differences in the friends list of the day before. From Who Deleted Me it is easy to understand who has been banned or has been canceled and who has instead eliminated friendship because, for each lost friend, there is the link to see his profile that may no longer exist.
3) There are also some extensions for the Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera web browsers (in particular Unfriend Finder) that allow you to integrate the notification of lost friends into Facebook and see who is no longer a friend and cancels the friendship .

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