Create an address for groups of links and websites to be shared or saved

There are several ways to create a package of different web pages to share with a single link .
This means that if I want to share a list of interesting sites with a friend or if I want to keep several pages that deal with similar topics, instead of saving or sending all the various addresses to reach these sites, I can group them together creating a single link from which then you can browse the different saved pages.
This technique is very useful for sharing lists of sites on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, for providing a selection of documents visible online in one go.
Not only therefore, sharing is speeded up, avoiding the effort of pasting all the various internet addresses every time, but an orderly virtual file is also created which includes interesting and perhaps similar pages to explore a certain topic.
If you have favorite sites that you use to read every day, it might be a great idea to group them together by creating a single link that allows you to open and browse them automatically without having to open them individually.
The creation of a single link for multiple websites can be done with several very similar services, all of which can be used without registration and for free.
1) BridgeURL is one of the simplest.
Just copy and paste the addresses visible on the top bar of the browser (for example //, one per line.
You can then title the selection and generate the unique link.
This link is to be saved and, every time you open it, you can read the sites that were marked in the form.
After opening the single link, the web pages can be browsed with the arrows that appear on the left and right.
Those who use Google CHrome can use the Tabulate extension to create multiple links directly from the browser bar.
2) Link Bunch is another generator of multiple links, i.e. internet addresses or URLs that contain multiple websites within them.
With you have some additional services therefore, the URLs must always be entered one per line, then, by clicking on the scissors, you can customize the package created by giving it a name, a description, an index and customizing the unique link that can be of the like // not therefore random.
By opening the link you can browse the various web pages from the top menu.
By registering, the various links created can be saved online .
It can also generate a QR code to save and share links from the mobile phone.
3) is a link generator very similar to others with an additional feature that you may like.
After creating the package of web pages grouped in a single link, you can view the statistics of those who have opened that package.
Membership allows you to save all groups of links created and share your favorite sites online easily.
4) MultiURL is another very simple multiple link generator where you just need to add the various addresses of the sites to be included in the collection.
In the end a single easy-to-share short URL is created which, when open, shows all the sites in the group.
5) Fav7 is another simple method of grouping several web pages together in a single link.
As the name implies, packages with only 7 internet addresses can be created.
Instead, there are several sites for creating homepages with favorite sites

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