See private profiles on Facebook (makeup)

Look at the profile of the contacts, read what they write, with whom they exchange messages, what friends they have, look at the photographs and so on. it is the dream of every spy.
Going to update this old article from 2009 we are going to find out today that if it is true that every trick to see inside Facebook's private profiles is basically a bluff, it is also true that many people ignore themselves what they shared on Facebook and with whom.
After so many years since we signed up, even if Facebook remains an important and positive vehicle for information and sharing, many people still ignore its power and the fact that automatically, once you share something or press "like "or accept a friendship, send information that is cataloged and stored.
If you also discover that it is possible to search on Facebook to find any information on anyone, including non-friends, even private profiles, here is the question that can make you shiver or be more interesting depending on your point of view.
READ ALSO: How to search on Facebook and find posts, friends and everything
This is the Stalkscan site, which is not a hoax or bluff at all, which works to search for private information about each friend or non-friend.
The trick of this particular site is simply to organize in a simple way all the possibilities and operators, almost unknown to anyone, of the Facebook search engine, the real one that in Italian cannot even be activated.
I had already talked about this type of research in the guide on how to search on Facebook.
Stalkscan, with this somewhat disturbing name, Stalkscan, can be used to search for all information available to the public concerning any Facebook user.
Among this information, it will also be possible to discover data not visible on the profiles and, above all, photographs in which people have been tagged, those on which I liked them, those commented many years ago.
To use Stalkscan just enter the URL of the Facebook user profile and press the Enter key.
All the data that the site extracts are not taken illegally or through hacker trick, they are simply taken from that search engine that Facebook does not make available in Italy, but that exists and works.
Any data can be viewed directly from the Facebook pages by pressing one of the filters below.
You can therefore see data regarding the profile, friends, interests, tags and photos, comments, likes, places and other things.
In addition, the first section, the Options section, are search filters that can be used to find items of only a certain type.
PLEASE NOTE: By trying Stalkscan with your profile you can review all your personal information without any limitation.
This is because of our profile we can see everything, of course it is.
With the private profiles of friends or acquaintances or non-friends the information will clearly be less.
To see how other people see our profile, instead use the button with three dots on our Facebook profile, the one next to the activity log and then press on View How .
NOTE 2: As learned, it is possible to search for old status updates on Facebook, even for other friends if they were public and, with another really ingenious trick, to see the hidden photos of each person on Facebook.
In addition, you can always follow people on Facebook without being friends (you can try to follow mine from my profile).
Facebook is also the best site for finding people and photos by looking for the name.
READ ALSO: How to manage the privacy of your Facebook profile
Another fantastic extension to find out all about friends and every person registered on Facebook is Secret Revealer, for Firefox.
To use this application, open the profile of the person whose information you want to know, then press the extension key and press Search. Once you have identified the profile ID number, press Start and then check all the secret sections of Facebook for that profile, which are practically the search pages. You will then be able to see all the photos in which he is present, in which he is tagged (even those he has not published on his profile), all the places he has been, the liked pages, the comments made, friends, relatives and everything how much.
The continuation of this article remains what I wrote in 2009.
It is therefore possible to view the private profile of any Facebook user "> two applications to show the photos of all Facebook members : Seegugio and Photo Stalker.
The tricks, on the other hand, are done socially, using a little petty psychology, cunning, with a little patience and using quite subtle techniques.
1) The simplest move when someone wants to see a private profile and ask for friendship and add it to their contacts.
Clearly, if the target to be spied on uses Facebook to communicate with his friends, he will hardly accept, if instead he is one with two thousand or more contacts, one more or one less, it will not make any difference to him. In the event that the target is attentive to their privacy then, anyone who wants to peek at his page with all the details, must pretend to be someone else. When looking for someone using the search for friends or looking at the contact list of someone who is already in your network, clicking on the image or on his name, some options are presented depending on the level of privacy set by this. Certainly, the possibility of sending a private message is always active and it is there that, a good one, can cheat anyone who is not careful or who has little memory.
The point is that, some profiles not set with complete privacy, become temporarily readable, if, after sending them a message, they reply. This allows you to look at general information, those relating to work, studies and the friends list.
The most common message to deceive is this: " Hi, we went to school together, do you remember me? "The moment the victim replies" I don't remember, forget it ", at that moment, you have temporary access to view a part of his profile.
2) The second method, more elaborate and effective studied by social network experts, is what is called " Resurrecting the living dead ". By scrolling through the friends of the victim to be spied on, clicking on view friends who in general is always left enabled, you have to look carefully at their photographs. Among the friends, there will certainly be some of these who have not uploaded his photo and who appear with the face of a gray and faceless person.
Most likely, these are friends of the target and the fact that they have not uploaded the image means that they do not use Facebook often and access it very rarely. So if you introduce yourself with this person's name, the private profile to be spied on will never recognize the difference between the real contact and the spy. To be precise and not to give rise to too many doubts, we take note of about 20 names of friends, privileging, if there are, those that this stranger with the gray face has in common with the victim. Now the immoral snoop, he can go to the main Facebook page and sign up using the same name as his friend without an image with an anonymous and temporary email account (see post on the topic Anonymous and antispam emails, to learn more).
Once you enter this bogus account, you can ask for friendship from all the names previously marked plus someone else at random.
Nine times out of ten, it is in human nature to assume that the message you receive on Facebook from a known name is actually real and, without thinking too much about it, hardly refuses to add the fake as a friend. After accumulating a good list of names, including several contacts in common with the victim, this has no escape and, when the notification appears that the false friend wants to add him, he will accept without asking questions.
3) Third method, the most subtle, is to sign up for Facebook with any name and put the photo of a beautiful girl by taking one of a model or actress little famous. If the target is a male, he will certainly accept the friendship of a beautiful woman while if you want to add a girl to your contacts, you can try putting the photo of a model in clothing and in a casual pose. Note that this is a trick that is also widely used to blackmail people.
So how can you defend yourself against these privacy attacks?
In this regard, I highly recommend reading the guide to the Privacy settings on Facebook.
In another article it is written how to block a contact or a list of friends on Facebook chat to go offline and not be seen.
Obviously, then, it always takes care and attention in not falling into pitfalls like these or others that at the moment I can't even imagine.
By activating the control on the Facebook profile and tags, you get additional protection that will prevent insults and defamation.
Consider that Facebook becomes a useful tool if aimed at achieving a purpose that can be social, professional or a pure pastime to play. It is not necessary to write everything about yourself, but only what is needed to achieve the goal that is set. For example, a professional profile should be written almost as if it were a resume and would have to be made totally public for publicity; a completely personal profile with very private information, on the other hand, must be absolutely protected from strangers, if you signed up just to play or test instead I don't think he needs to say something about himself, and so on.
READ ALSO: Best tricks for Facebook

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