Search the internet on Whatsapp with a bot

Let's talk about experiments now, using the app we use every day, Whatsapp.
We know that there are applications similar to Whatsapp, such as Telegram, Facebook Messenger or the brand new Google Allo that allow the use of bots or artificial intelligence capable of automatically responding to chat requests.
For example, a bot can be asked about the weather of the day or the latest sports news.
Whatsapp, until now, has never allowed bots to work, although, surprisingly, by doing a search I found a curious exception that perhaps will open new developments.
To be precise, an Indian web company called has created a bot that allows you to search the internet using Whatsapp, directly from the chat.
To use this search engine in Whatsapp follow these instructions:
First of all, add the following number to the phone book: +918015984514 giving it a name of your choice, like Whatsapp Bot .
Then open Whatsapp, go to the contact list, press the button at the top right of the options and update the list.
You should therefore see our Whatsapp Bot in the Whatsapp contact list.
By opening and trying to send messages, you will not get any response.
To use it, you need to create a group.
Then go to the main chat screen, press the options button and create a new group including only our Whatsapp bot.
In the group, the bot works and by writing it you will get the instructions to use it.
Obviously, being Indian, the automatic responder is only in English and provides information of zero interest to us.
It is however possible to search the internet and Wikipedia.
To search the internet, just write a message in the bot group with the word search, while to search on Wikipedia, you can use the word wiki .
For example, you can type search Navigaweb to search for Navigaweb or wiki tom cruise to get actor information from Wikipedia.
The bot is clearly usable for free and there are no privacy problems, at least no more than Whatsapp already has, given that phone numbers all over the world are connected and searchable here.
For the moment it is the only one of this type that I have found working.
10 New tricks and features of Whatapp 2016

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