Hiding from friends or stalkers on Facebook in 5 ways

In Facebook everyone always receives requests for friendship from ex-colleagues, ex-boys or ex-girls, from elementary school friends and so on.
This is a great thing about Facebook, it allows you to stay in touch with people who had said goodbye and who you would never have expected to meet again, not even virtually. However, this functionality can turn into a problem if some old friend, acquaintance or boyfriend starts to break the boxes, sending messages, spying on everything that is published, sometimes even becoming harassing; in a word, you can become a stalker victim .
Stalking today is also pursued by law in Italy only that the police cannot be expected to be behind every complaint for having received a swear word, an insult or because a person has sent too many messages.
However, before going through the legal channels, you can try to discourage the stalker by blocking him completely on Facebook.
In addition, those who have many friends and consider it rude to reject or cancel friendships can block some contacts, so as to prevent them from interacting.
Given that to hide from an annoying stalker it is not enough to remove his friendship, there are 5 ways to hide from a friend or a molester on Facebook .
READ ALSO: How to block someone on Facebook and what it means for him
1) Create a blacklist of contacts who can no longer see anything .
You can block both people and applications by going to Accounts> Privacy settings and finding the item called Blocked items at the bottom of the page. Click on the link Edit lists and, on the following page, enter the name and surname or the Email the users to be blocked. If there are several people with the same name, a list of matching profiles will be displayed for you to choose from.
2) Block them through their profile
On each Facebook user profile there is a link at the bottom left with the message Report / block this person . By clicking on this link, a popup window opens that allows you to block the person or remove him from friends. Blocking the person will prevent any interaction or relationship or message between you and this. In addition, it is also possible to report that person by denouncing him to Facebook also for harassment or because he enjoys teasing himself on his bulletin board.
3) Through their messages
If the person you want to hide from sends us private messages, you can block it by clicking on the " Actions " drop-down menu and choosing Report and block the user . Once clicked, a window with additional pop-up options.
I must point out that when a friend or any other Facebook user is blocked, there will be no warning or notification to that person but your profile will not be visible to him and, in the same way, he will no longer be able to see his profile. Both will be invisible to each other, with the exception of third party applications.
If a contact is accidentally blocked, you can easily remove the block in the black list of step 1.
Unblocking a person will not restore the previous friendship relationship.
4) Remove the information from the general list
If you are heavily persecuted by a stalker, it is likely that, noticing that you are stuck, I created a new profile only to return to the office.
In this case, the possibility of making the profile private so that it remains visible to friends but so that strangers cannot find or write to us should be considered .
In the Account> Privacy menu, click at the top on the View settings link (under Connections on Facebook ).
On the following page you can define who can search and find you on Facebook, who can send friend requests or messages, who can see the list of friends, and more. For each item choose carefully among the following options: everyone, friends of friends or just friends . Unfortunately, a profile cannot be completely hidden: Facebook says that " the name, profile picture, gender, and network are and will always be open to everyone ".
5) Close the privacy settings
In addition to restricting basic information from the general directory, you should also limit who can see the things you share. Then go back to the privacy settings and click on the Customize settings link to adjust Facebook shares.
Another article contains an updated and detailed guide on privacy options for choosing what to show others .
Needless to say, Facebook is a tool through which a person can become a stalker easily, perhaps even without thinking that he is.
Just as there is no need to panic immediately for some messages or insults, it is also true that, in serious cases (and by serious I mean months of forced annoyance or repeated threats), contacting the authorities could be a forced move.

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