How to pay with Google Pay and PostePay using the smartphone

Payment apps, which are increasingly popular and accepted by shopping centers today, are truly one of those technological innovations capable of changing people's daily habits. Thanks to these smartphone applications it is possible, in fact, to pay in stores even without carrying your wallet, making purchases and expenses using your smartphone as if it were your credit card, in a very fast and safe way .
Security, which always remains the first of the doubts regarding these technologies, is guaranteed by the fact that this type of application saves the card number inside without ever divulging it. When you pay, in fact, the virtual account number created by the application is sent to the stores. In addition, thanks to the fingerprint sensor, now present in all new smartphones, even if you lose your phone it would be impossible for any other person to use it to pay.
Among the payment apps, the simplest and most handy one for everyone is Google Pay, which supports many types of debit and credit cards. The easiest way to try Google Pay is to associate it with a standard rechargeable Poste Pay, which you can do recently (so much so that at the moment this possibility is not even reported on the official website). Without constraints or additional expenses it is possible to register your PostePay card in Google Pay and then pay by passing the phone on the POS of shops or supermarkets.

How to add PostePay to Google Pay

First of all, to use Google Pay you need to download the Google Pay app for Android or for iPhone . It is also possible to configure google Pay from the PC, by going to the site. To use the service, you need a Google or Gmail account.
Once registered, if it has never been done before, you can fill in the personal information tab by entering the application or site settings (on the app, touch the button at the top left to find the settings) You must enter, therefore, the billing information, the home address and the tax code.
After that, you can add a payment method in the payments tab. Here you can add a credit or debit card among those supported. If we have a PostePay, even the standard one, you can add it to the payment methods by writing the number and then the security code, i.e. the three numbers shown on the back of the card. After confirmation, the PostePay card is saved in Google Pay and you can use it to pay via your smartphone.
You can also activate the payment method via Google Pay using the Poste Pay app for Android and iPhone. In the PostePay app, touch the card image and then the word Card settings. Scroll down to find the switch that allows you to associate your Google Pay account with PostePay.
READ ALSO: How to activate and use Google Pay

How to pay with Google Pay and PostePay

Once the configuration is complete and the PostePay card has been set as the default payment system in Google Pay, paying is very simple. The only important thing is that the NFC connection is enabled on the smartphone, which allows the phone to send data to the POS of electronic payments.
In a supported shop (there is usually a sticker at the checkout with Google Pay written), just unlock the smartphone and bring it closer to the POS as you would with your credit card to pay in contactless mode. Once the transaction was confirmed, the payment took place and will be recorded in the Google Pay app and, subsequently, also accounted for in the PostePay balance.

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