Automatic filters in Gmail for social updates, alerts and newsletters

In any person's Email box, most of the messages that come in come from automated systems.
Often this is not spam, but only promotions, notices and social updates of sites you have registered with such as Groupon, Facebook, Navigaweb and so on.
To organize these automatic emails and make them not disturbing, we have already seen how to create Email filters so that when the sender is, for example, Facebook, all messages are saved in a specific folder.
On (the new Hotmail), there is a function to automatically organize emails from social networks.
Recently, this possibility has also been enabled in Gmail via special labels or " Smart Labels ".
For now, Smart Labels is a Labs function, that is, being tested and not yet officially released.
You can activate it by scrolling the list of experimental " Labs " functions from the Settings menu and searching for Smart Labels .
After activating a Gmail experiment, click on Save at the bottom of the page.
It is a new category of messages that works automatically.
Gmail recognizes for itself which emails come from promotion sites , forums, newsletters, alerts and social updates from Facebook, Twitter or other social networks.
They are not exactly spam messages, but Google assumes they are less important, and archives them automatically.
These automatic filters are activated immediately and you can find the various labels in the right bar.
Going to Settings -> Filters, you can see more details on these Smart Labels and you can see that they are 5: one for the Forums, one for the Alerts, one for the Social Updates and two more that, for now, have the " In Block " label, ie promos and newsletters .
These automatic filters can be deleted but cannot be changed.
If you delete one of them and want to restore it, you can go to Settings -> Labs, deactivate Smart Labels, Save and then reactivate it and save again.
When you open the list of messages labeled with one of the Smart Labels, a button should appear at the top to archive the messages and not make them appear in the Inbox.
If you like this but don't want to leave Gmail the task of automatically selecting and labeling messages, you can open the Email list by clicking on a label on the left and create a custom filter based on the current selection.
Then press the " Select: All " square button at the top, then press More and choose the " Filter messages of this type " option.
In this case the filter is based on the senders of the mails arrived, without considering any new subscriptions or updates from other websites.

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