Create static websites using Dropbox as free hosting

Among the many cloud storage services, perhaps the most free and rich in accessory functions is Dropbox which allows you to take advantage of its online space with different external applications and various purposes.
As it is possible to publish web pages on Google Drive, for free, Dropbox also supports the hosting of static web pages on its cloud storage so that they are visible to everyone all over the world on the internet.
In practice it is possible to create complete websites using Dropbox as a free hosting space.
There are 5 different online services that allow you to create static websites (HTML and not PHP only) on Dropbox.
1) DropPages is a web application linked to Dropbox to create a site.
DropPages has the advantage of eliminating the bandwidth limit of Dropbox so the website can be visited every day even by thousands of people.
However, the site will have an address like
To create a DropPages site you can go to the // site, access the Dropbox account, give permission, create a new site and enter the name.
DropPages is an excellent service because it provides pre-built themes for web pages.
It should be noted that Dropbox does not offer unlimited public hosting.
If you publish a file on the internet, there is a limit of 20 GB per day of traffic, therefore, if a web page published in Dropbox is visited too much in a day, after a while it will no longer be visible.
This limit can be increased to 200GB with a Pro account.
2) Site44 allows you to transform Dropbox into a free web host in order to create simple static websites.
With Site44 you can also use your own domain or one provided free of charge by
Site44 will create a new Apps folder in the Dropbox account which contains the various freely editable website html files.
For example, you can use a program like Kompozer to easily create HTML files and then upload them to the Dropbox site44 folder.
3) is a service for publishing text on the internet or embedding code.
It automatically creates a subfolder in Dropbox where there is a getting started guide and an example page.
The easiest way to create extra pages is to simply copy and paste the existing example and replace its contents.
4) Publish a folder manually
Even if you can use guided services to create a site on Dropbox, without using external applications you can always take a folder, make it public and insert HTML files inside it.
Then create a folder called "Publish" (if it isn't already there) in Dropbox, create a called "site" inside it and put all the HTML pages inside.
The "site" folder will act as the root folder of the static site.
click on a file to get the public link in the menu and share it with whoever you want.
however, since the dropobox links are long and impossible to remember, if you have a personal domain name you can redirect all the pages hosted on Dropbox to your domain using the htaccess file (look for specific guides for this type of operation).
Alternatively, I remember that there are also free web hosting in which to publish sites and CMS

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