Join Facebook, SMS and Whatsapp in one chat

Until a few years ago, at the time of PC chats (centuries seem to have passed), there were programs that unified the main services together such as ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger etc., so as to be able to combine the various contacts scattered in a only chat. It is with this ambition that a project called Disa has been carried out for some time now, an app for Android smartphones (now available to everyone even if in beta) that allows you to unify various social networks and the contacts of the main services of mobile messaging .
Even if a mobile phone is already able to manage notifications from various apps on its own, Disa is comfortable to have Facebook chats, Whatsapp messages and SMS all under control in the same interface.
The application is able to combine the accounts of different chat services allowing you to receive and reply to all messages directly via Disa, without having to keep other applications installed.
For now, Disa can work to combine SMS messages, Facebook and WhatsApp messages in the same app .
Disa You can download it free for Android.
Once installed, you will be asked to add the various accounts and, precisely, the one to send and receive SMS and the Facebook account. To add Whatsapp you need to tap on the Search button in the third-party plugins section, open the web page on the default browser and tap on the Whatsapp access plugin . After downloading and activating it, you can access Whatsapp from Disa. From this moment the Whatsapp app on the mobile phone is disconnected because Whtsapp does not allow you to log in with the same account from two different clients or apps. To compose a new message, tap the plus icon from the sidebar and select the messaging service to use.
If several conversations have been started with a friend both on Whatsapp and via SMS and on Facebook, Disa will give the possibility to join them together on the same screen. To do this, simply select the conversations and tap the merge button at the bottom of the screen. Each message from that particular contact, whether it's Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp, will be shown in a single thread of messages.
While sending messages, it is possible to touch the icon next to the composition window to change the service to be used to send it. To distinguish the various message networks it is possible to color the messages in the service settings differently. In the settings it is also possible to modify other configurations such as those relating to notifications, Emojis, keyboards, etc. For the uniqueness of the Disa project and for the fact that it could give us the opportunity to keep multiple chats online and active without having to have the related applications installed on the phone, it is really worth trying.
Alternatively, you can use Parallel Space, excellent for using an app with two accounts together on Android (also Whatsapp and Facebook).

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