Always have the fastest DNS servers with DNSJumper

No magic and no "hacker" or "geek" tricks, simply by applying and exploiting a basic concept of computer science applied to networks, it is possible, not only in theory but also in practice, to gain speed in opening websites .
Beyond browser performance comparisons, let's talk here about how to use Domain Name System ( DNS) servers .
The DNS Server is a computer with an archive or database of data with a list that associates an IP address to each existing domain on the internet.
Practically it can be imagined as a telephone directory with written that the IP address corresponds to
Thanks to DNS servers, instead of writing the IP number difficult to remember on the browser, you can simply write the name of the site in words, in the example,
READ ALSO: How to change DNS on PC, Mac and router quickly
These lists are inside some DNS servers whose addresses are provided by the network providers (such as Fastweb, Libero, Telecom etc.).
Just go to the connection details to read the IP addresses of the primary and secondary DNS automatically assigned by the internet provider.
But DNS servers are also provided by other network operators, companies and authorities.
For example, I may have a Fastweb connection and want to use Telecom DNS or I may want foreign DNS servers, independent and secure, such as those provided by Google or those of Norton.
Normally there would be no need to change DNS servers except for three important reasons :
- Overcome national complaints
- Protect yourself and our children from dangerous sites
- Open sites faster
Overcoming national complaints means, as already explained in the article on anonymity online and the internet without borders: VPN, Proxy and DNS, opening obscured sites in Italy or in other countries where you can stay.
By removing the association IP - Site name in the lists, national internet providers can prevent users from visiting a particular site.
This often happens, in Italy, for sites that violate copyright laws, piracy sites while in dictatorial burdens the sites are also obscured for political reasons.
Regarding protection from dangerous sites, setting up DNS with Open DNS or SecureDNS means having a preventive block on dangerous, phishing or virus-distributing sites.
If required, it is also possible to block adult or violent sites, via these DNS servers.
Finally, opening sites faster means finding faster DNS servers to respond when requesting connection to a site.
Certainly these are thousandths and for some it may not be noticed any difference, but it is always good to know that our DNS responds well and that they are the best ever.
If a DNS server responds faster than even a few milliseconds, the websites are found first and you gain speed in opening them, whatever browser you use.
Since it is not absolutely certain that the DNS preset by the network provider are the ones that respond faster, it is possible to find the fastest ones with a program called DNSJumper now in version 2.0 .
After downloading the ZIP file, extract the executable file (laptop that does not require installation) and start it.
If there was a block on Windows 8 and 10, press on More information and then on Run anyway .
DNS Jumper checks the response times of all the IP addresses it has in memory, compares them with the DNS preset on your computer and tells the user which are the fastest primary and secondary DNS in the test.
To start the test, press on the addresses set in your network configuration, clicking on Check response times . Then press the DNS Faster button and start checking the others in memory by finding the two that replied in the shortest time .
At this point, you can press the " Apply " button to automatically change the primary and secondary DNS on the computer by setting them in the network settings.
You can also press the Clear DNS button to clear the internal cache of the computer with a bad mapping of resolved names (if some site does not open this could be the problem).
Eventually, most likely, Google DNS servers will be found to be the fastest, as well as freeing the internet from national censorship.
If you want to check the addresses that DNS Jumper has in memory, just open the dnsjumper.ini file which is the configuration file in which you can add any other DNS server, including the Italian ones of Telecom Fastweb or other network providers., so as to make the immediate comparison.
This small program is very useful and works on all Windows based PCs.
An alternative program similar to DNSJumper, if this does not work giving access errors, is NameBench, reported in another article on how to optimize the internet by changing DNS servers.
READ ALSO: How to change the DNS on the smartphone (Android, iPhone and others)

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