Example video of Ddos attack and hacker activity

Returning to the topic Wikileaks and secret documents of American diplomacy, we read today on the Repubblica page with the chronicle of the facts relating to Assange and Wikileaks: "08:39 Hacker attack on Wikileaks among the most powerful in history ".
In the short article it is written how it has been " ... 28 times higher than the average of this type of attacks in recent years ".
These types of attacks are called DdoS ( Distributed Denial of Service ), that is, literally, " denial of service " with multiple attacks.
The DoS attack serves to limit the use of resources of a computer until it stops and can no longer provide the service which, in most cases, is a website.
In fact, a site resides on a server that is always on with a program that ensures that each page is accessible from the outside.
A DdoS attack is the same thing, only that it is brought to the target by "shooting" from multiple points.
As Wikipedia tells us, the DdoS attack is not done by a guy who owns 100 computers at home and uses them to hacker also because he would be immediately found and arrested.
Instead, computers called " zombies " are involved which are always on and are infected with a virus.
All these computers together create what is called a botnet, a network controlled by one person.
It may surprise someone to know that in the world of " zombie computers " there are many, inside companies, in public offices and even in people's homes; they are computers that always remain on without doing almost anything and that do not have adequate protection.
Even your PC can become responsible for a Ddos attack, if you leave it always on, perhaps with the Messenger activated and without security protections.
In this first video we see how a DDOS attack can be imagined, like a river of bullets against a single target.

On Wikileaks there was therefore a very heavy attack yesterday (see details), among the biggest in history, which has not been claimed by anyone, for now.
Last Sunday, however, before the publication of the secret documents, there had been another DdoS attack, claimed by a guy who calls himself, on Twitter, th3 j35t3r or, better The Jester and is portrayed by a Joker card, with anything but reassuring expression.
From his blog he claims to be an ex-soldier who goes against all terrorist and anti-freedom regimes.
He claims to have acted alone, bringing the DdoS attack only from his own computer, without using zombies and botnets.
You are not really the one responsible for the attack on Wikileaks, the interesting thing is that this Jester or Jocker is really one of the best and most exposed hackers in the world, so much so that you can find some of his videos and some of his on the internet interviews.
Just from his videos you can understand what it means to launch a DdoS attack .
With a program he developed called XerXes, this character is able to pull down and send offline, almost any website, temporarily from his own computers.
Really impressive and disturbing to know and see such a hacker activity in action.
The video is all to see

Another very interesting video (Hijacking web 2.0 sites) is the explanation of how DdoS attacks with SSLstrip and SlowLoris work, with which it also becomes easy to steal data from sites like Facebook.

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