Facebook friends map to find where they are or where they live

Facebook is currently the largest social network in the world with over 500 million users located in every region of the globe.
My Facebook friends, including those I don't know, welcome friends and especially "virtual" friends (as a good nerd), come from all over the world.
I don't know if the location provided in their profile information is true (I would like to know who he is saying he lives in Afghanistan), but if I wanted to catch them on the fly and know who is near me and who I could go to visit, I would have many difficulties in knowing quickly who lives in Rome, Milan, Naples or other cities.
To support this particular need, there are Facebook's visual maps, automatic online tools capable of extracting information from the city where friends and contacts live and displaying their emoticons on the geographic map .
READ ALSO: Find out where friends on Facebook Messenger write from
So let's see the best Facebook applications to view the geographical map of friendships, nice especially for fun but also with a practical and social utility.
For example, if you travel, you can see right away if anyone you know is nearby.
1) Social Map is a geographic service (also called Placebook ) that displays some information and statistics on Facebook users from all over the world.
When the mouse hovers over a state, the statistics of users registered on Facebook are displayed (for example, Italy has 16 million users, 28% of the registered population).
The map can be moved and zoomed with the mouse.
By pressing the Login button at the top right, you can access the map of your friends (it takes quite a while to open).
All contacts are displayed graphically and passing on their face you can see some details on their position and to view the profile.
2) Friends in the vicinity is a function of Facebook, which does not look at people's profiles but the use they have made of Facebook Places or Places .
It is therefore a more useful application because it shows the places where friends have checked in.
Each friend is displayed on the map with a profile photo thumbnail for quick recognition.
I conclude the article that there is no application to understand where a person comes from by locating his IP address.

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