Prepare for online license quizzes with app simulators and sites

Getting a driving license is one of the most important steps we can take as soon as we reach the age of majority.
One of the biggest concerns certainly concerns the written exam, in which we will have to correctly answer the greatest number of questions on the highway code in order to be enabled for the practical exam, the one that will allow us to obtain the real driving license.
Before the date of the written exam we can train by attending driving school (which will provide us with computers for the exercises) or train using our PC or smartphone, so that we can find ourselves ready when we have to take the real exam.
In this guide we will show you the best sites, programs and apps to prepare for the driver's license quiz completely free of charge .
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Remember that we will be asked 40 questions on the exam and that we can only make 4 mistakes, so let's practice as long as necessary to reduce the errors to 0 (do not worry if we pass the exam with 2, 3 or 4 errors, this exam does not demonstrate the driving skills! The important thing is to pass the exam).
1) (web)
One of the sites that we recommend to visit to practice the quizzes for the exam is available at the website, reachable here -> .

We will immediately be offered questions that we must answer correctly within the time limit provided.
The same questions are available that we can find in the written exam, so we are not afraid to face them all and to make mistakes: better to make mistakes here and deepen the topic when we can rather than make mistakes in the exam.
2) Online Driving License Quiz (web)
Another site where we can test our knowledge about the highway code is on Quiz Patente Online, available here -> Quiz Patente Online .

We will get a screen with the same graphics of the exam, in which to correctly answer the 40 questions asked randomly to the exam.
The time counter is clearly visible and will simulate the real duration of the exam, but we can repeat the test as many times as we want in order to refine our knowledge and make fewer mistakes.
3) WEBpatente (web, program and app)
One of the best sites to practice for driving license quizzes is WEBpatente, available here - WEBpatente .

In this site we will have several features available: we can immediately perform a simulation of the exam to test our knowledge and, in case of error, use the exercises by topic and the theory manual, so as to fill the gaps.
The site also offers solutions for ministerial quizzes and a history of all the exercises carried out, so that we can monitor our progress.
In addition to the website, we can download WEBpatente on a PC with Windows and for Mac, excellent for testing even without the Internet; we can download the free program from here -> WEBpatente program .
This valid service is also available as an app for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system, just download the version from here -> WEB Android driver .
4) License Quiz B (Android)
If we want to practice on our Android smartphone or tablet when we are away from home, we can do it using an app like Quiz Patente B, available for free download from here -> Quiz Patente B.

With this app installed on your mobile we will be able to take the exam tests in a very faithful way to the originals, with lots of video courses for the most difficult topics, the tricks to learn to always be able to overcome the most difficult questions and all the experience driving instructors, so as to get to the exam date really prepared.
5) Galileo Quiz Patente (Android)
Another very useful app to quickly prepare driving exams is Galileo Quiz Patente, available for free download from here -> Galileo Quiz Patente .

The app keeps track of all the exam simulations carried out and will show, in a separate section, which are the topics we are weakest in, so that we can perfect our knowledge and avoid the most trivial mistakes.
Definitely a useful app for all future licensees, who can thus retrace their steps at any time until they have full mastery of all the topics that can come out during the exam.
6) Car and motorbike license (Android)
A very complete app for preparing the car and motorbike license exam is Car and motorbike license, available for free download from here -> Car and motorbike license .

The interface of this app is decidedly simpler and spartan than the other apps, but it still performs very well in the simulation of the written exam for license B and license A.
There are also quizzes by topic and exam sheets based on the most difficult topic for us, so that we can practice at our best.
7) Official Driving License Quiz (iOS)
If we have an iPhone or iPad and we want to practice to get a driving license, we can point to the free Official Driver Quiz app, available for download from here -> Official Driver Quiz .

This app boasts of being one of the best in the sector thanks to quizzes always updated on those used by the ministry of transport to evaluate future patents and thanks to video lessons on all types of topics that we can deal with on the exam.
Thanks to the automatic evaluation system, we will immediately discover which topic is difficult for us to learn, so as to deepen everything with video courses and targeted exams on a single topic, complete with an always updated theory manual.
If we have an Apple device, just install this app to get all the necessary support and prepare for the driving license quiz.
8) License Quiz (iOS)
Alternatively on iOS we can also try the Quiz Patente app, available for free download from here -> Quiz Patente .

With this app we will be able to better prepare the theoretical exam thanks to updated quizzes, insights by topic and nice mini games that will test your driving skills.
A decidedly valid alternative for those who use iPhone and iPad and want to prepare for the exam for driving license B.
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