SMS from tablet, iPad and computer with MySms: sending and receiving from your number

Taking up the discussion regarding the reasons why a wifi only tablet without 3G data connection is convenient, let's see now how easy it is to send and receive SMS from the tablet, be it a Nexus or Samsung Android or an Apple iPad .
Although many people use applications to send free messages such as Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger, standard SMS remain widely used, also because all the telephone companies include them in numerous subscriptions and free promotions.
SMS can certainly be sent both from the tablet and from the PC, Windows, Mac or Linux, with the MySMS application .
MySMS is a completely free app available for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone that allows you to create a communication channel between your phone and other devices such as tablets and computers.
What MySMS does is a synchronization of all SMS sent and received with real-time notification .
This allows a tablet or computer connected to the internet to send SMS and receive them with notification.
The only requirement is the installation of the MySMS application on the phone which must remain connected to the internet as, I believe, it is normal if you have an Android smartphone or an iPhone .
Everything is based on a MySMS account that binds to your cell phone number.
First of all you need to install the app on your mobile phone, create your account, access and synchronize all the messages and address book that are saved online, in a dedicated cloud.
By leaving the application running, in the background, you can leave the phone where it is and open MySMS on the tablet or computer.
If you install MySMS on an Android tablet or iPad (that of iPad is the only non-free version), after logging in with the registered account, you will find all the SMS messages that are stored on the mobile phone, including the address book.
By touching where " Send message " is written you can write the recipient's name and send by choosing the " Network operator " mode which is the default.
At the same time, with the MySMS app you can read the messages received on your mobile number, even without having the phone nearby, as if they arrived directly on the tablet.
If instead you want to send SMS from your computer, you can install the program for Windows and Mac or you can simply go to the address //, log in with your account and send and receive SMS as you would do normally.
There is no need for PC and phone to be connected to the same network.
It doesn't matter if you have a Samsung mobile phone and an iPad or a Nexus 7 Android tablet and the iPhone, the connection still works, without having to have devices of the same type and without having to create a direct connection between them.
To download applications for all computers, tablets and smartphones, go to this page
The cost of the messages is the one expected for your subscription or for top-up and there are no additional costs.
I have tried MySMS on Android and on the computer, successfully to receive and send messages from the tablet and the internet.
If it doesn't seem to work at first, try turning the phone off and on again and starting the application manually.
The best alternative to MySMS is Zipwhip, to send and receive SMS from the Tablet or computer, using your mobile phone number .
In this case, you need to register for the service from the website, register the number and then install the free application, available for Android or for PC.

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