Today PacMan is played on Google Maps

For April 2017 Fish (as it was in April 2015) Google gives yet another pearl: you can even play Pac man set in the streets all over the world.
To be precise, you can play today, from tonight and all tomorrow, in Miss Pacman inside Google Maps, with a game promoted by Google for the April 2017 Fish.
The game is really fun and allows you to move around in many mazes with Mrs. Pac Man (who is different from the male Pac Man because he has lipstick and a bow on his head), in the streets all over the world.
As in any Pac Man game you have to eat all the marbles in the painting and the fruit that appears (which gives extra points depending on the type of fruit), being careful not to get caught by one of the four ghosts (whose historical names are and Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Sue) who randomly wander through the maze.
Obviously, eating one of the special marbles arranged at the four corners of the picture, it becomes possible, for a short period of time, to become invulnerable and eat the ghosts making them disappear for a few moments.
To play Miss Pac Man in Google Maps you just need to touch the start button, which only for the day of April 1, 2017 appears both in the Maps application on Android and iPhone, and on the Google Maps website (here you will find down).
The game starts directly in the framed portion of the map or, if there are no good ways to play, you can choose a random area of ​​the world by clicking on the " I'm feeling lucky " button and letting Google decide on a game area.
The game, with arcade graphics in perfect 80s style, adapts to the chosen map and also has a nice music to accompany the original game, 8 bit sounds and score that can be saved and shared with other friends, if you play with the Google account linked.
It is not the first time that Google makes us play Pac man and we remember how many years ago one of the best Google logos ever that transformed the main page of the search engine into the Pacman game.

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