Notepad ++ the best notepad for notes on the computer

The notepad or notebook is probably one of the oldest applications or programs on a computer, for any operating system.
Microsoft Windows installs its Notepad from the first edition and has always remained identical despite 15 years having passed; in the face of innovation!
Let's start by saying that the notepad is a fundamental program to work on the computer and many people neglect its utility norms.
The notepad is obviously not used to write documents, for that there are tools such as Word that format the text well and have numerous options for writing in a good shape; the notepad is used to take notes "on the fly".
For example, when you have to mark something that needs to be remembered, the fastest way is to right-click on the desktop and create a new text document.
To make this new text document a memo, you can save the file and give the memo itself as a name; within the text document you can then write the details of the reminder.
Other uses of the notepad is when you need to write programming code, for example for a web page in html or to write bad copies of documents in a very fast way that then, later on, you can copy and paste on Word, to be fixed in the graphic form.
Without dwelling on the possible uses of the notepad, this article aims to enhance that basic Windows Notepad with free and free software to download .
The best program that works as a Notepad or notebook is called Notepad ++
Notepad ++ is a very powerful tool for those who have to deal with the html or xml or javascript code of a website.
Totally free, it is a portable program, in the sense that it does not need installation and can be loaded directly from a USB stick, and supports many text editing functions that make it much easier and faster to perform operations such as : copying and paste for vertical columns, the conversion between lowercase and uppercase, the search and replace word and many other options, the comparison between two text documents to see the differences, the multi-document view to speed up the copy and paste standard, the visual zoom on the sheet, browsing by files on the PC and many other things.
Numerous plugins are available for a more technical use of the program and to make Notepad ++ recognize all programming languages.
For those who upload files to remote servers, synchronization with an FTP server is available.
Among the various plugins you can find the functions of translation, automatic text correction, autocompletion of common words and so on.
NotePad ++ is also available as an app for Windows 10 which can be downloaded from the Microsoft store.

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