Edit and improve Excel charts and chart templates to download

Excel is the most used program in the world to collect numerical data in tables that function as automatic spreadsheets.
One of the main functions of Microsoft Office Excel is the creation of graphs and charts to provide a visual representation, easy and immediate to consult.
Creating charts on Excel is not difficult but the result generated then requires laborious changes, especially if the intention is to present the charts in a professional but pleasing to the eye, as it would be if it were to be published in a magazine.
All those who want to create beautiful, colorful and in a short time Excel charts can, instead of reinventing the wheel from scratch, take advantage of the power of some plugins that integrate on Microsft Excel and provide a more productive tool for creation and design of graphics.
As seen in the past, the best plugin for creating charts in Excel is Chart Advisor .
CleanCharts instead is a free add-on for Microsoft Excel (versions 2003, 2007, 2010), with which you can edit Excel charts in different ways to make them more attractive.
It provides five areas for improvement: removing unnecessary formatting within the chart, aligning the labels on the axes, adjusting the font size, eliminating 3D elements, and changing the color scheme from the default one, to obtain better contrast and make the charts more visually beautiful.
CleanCharts is able to process graphs individually or in groups.
CleanCharts is an automatic Excel chart optimizer and a single click is all it takes to achieve a significant visual improvement.
During configuration you can choose which changes to enable and which not.
I would certainly recommend trying and using it but, having noticed some difficulty in elaborating complex graphs, it is a good idea to make a copy of the graph before applying the automatic Cleanchart modifications, in case the desired results are not obtained.
CleanChart can be downloaded for free from the developer's website, in zip format and, after extracting the content, you must run the Clean Charts Installer.xls file, with the macros activated on Microsoft Excel.
From the same Juice Analytics site you can then download different Excel or Powerpoint chart models to download for free and to fill out.
Each Chart Chooser model is a colorful and professional chart scheme which, if applied to your own spreadsheet, generates the clean chart of the data.
Since these are models, they must be loaded on Excel or Powerpoint and then modified by entering the values ​​of their table, changing the title and the labels of the axes.
Finally, I remember that, from other sites, you can download many free Excel templates and templates and templates for Powerpoint presentations and Word documents.

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