Ways to search Google by date, to find updated results

Searching with Google is easy, but you can not always find the desired results and the best ones if you do not know the ways to refine your searches.
While we have seen in another article the Codes, operators and formulas to search on Google, on this occasion we see how you can search on Google by date, to find the most recent results, to know when a certain web page was published.
The novelty factor is recognized as one of the signs to favor a fresh web page in Google search results, but still it is not the most important fact and it is very probable that for certain searches results will appear from authoritative sites, but old and not updated
However, that of the date is a very important factor in knowing whether a page has been updated or if the information reported can now be considered old.
The easiest way to search by date and find updated and published websites not earlier than a certain day is to click, in the results page, on the top button Tools and then click on Any date to be able to filter the results of the last hour, last 24 hours, last week, last month, last year, always or by choosing a date range.
This type of options is also present when searching on Google from smartphones and tablets.
The date search filter can be useful to view news related to a certain topic not older than a certain period of time or to find the latest news on something every day with the search for the last 24 hours.
A trick to getting Google results before a certain date is to add the & as_qdr = y1 parameter to the search URL.
In practice, if you search, for example, navigaweb, at the top of the browser you should see an internet address like this:
//www.google.com/search "> How to create custom search engines in Google Chrome
If, in the results, there are web pages where the date of publication or update is not indicated, it is possible to trace this date by entering the source code.
Open the site, click on it with the right mouse button to open the source code page in HTML.
From the code page, click the CTRL-F keys together to open the search and find the word published which should contain the date of publication.
You can also search for the word updated to find the latest update
If you want an easier way, you can use the Finitimus extension, a handy little one that, when clicked, shows the date of the first publication for each web page, without having to enter the code.
Another extension, Google When, tells us when we visited a web page showing the date on the search results pages, useful for knowing when we had last visited a site.
READ ALSO: Google advanced search tricks for immediate results and answers

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