Private and hidden messages in CCN by sending an Email with Microsoft Outlook

For work or even to communicate a message to several friends at the same time, you can write emails addressed to several people by writing the recipients on field A.
To acquaint other people who are not direct recipients of the email message but who are interested in it anyway, write their addresses on the CC field that stands for Copia Carbone.
When you want to write an Email and you want some people to read it, but without the recipients knowing it, you write the addresses on the CCN field that stands for Carbon Hidden Copy and that is the translation of the English BCC (Blind carbon copy ).
The CCN function therefore makes it possible not to show the email addresses of the recipients of the message and to hide them from others.
Although it seems a tool made to deceive, for example, by copying an office manager in exchanges of emails between colleagues, it is a function created primarily to combat spam.
We therefore want to keep hidden e-mail addresses that could end up in the wrong hands.
A new thing that can be done with Microsoft Outlook (but that could be done with Mozilla Thunderbird) is the sending of private messages to some email addresses, in an extended email so as to be able to give additional indications to some that are hidden from others .
To add a personalized message in an email that is visible only to some people and not to all, you can use a plugin for Microsoft Outlook called Bccthis .
You can therefore think of writing an email to colleagues and, in the same message, to add some information to be sent only to one or some recipients thus avoiding having to write two separate emails.
It then becomes a message within another message.
Obviously, the recipients don't need to have Bccthis installed to read the private email.
Bccthis per is a free plugin that installs in Microsoft Outlook .
A new menu of options for this extension appears on the Outlook tool bar from which you can choose to enable or disable this plug-in.
When composing the message, however, a new window appears at the bottom which is the editor for writing the private message within the email.
After adding the main e-mail addresses as you always do, you can set some of these, hidden, to also receive the private message .
For the time being, it is not possible to select recipients that are not included in the email but can only include email addresses already marked in To or CC.
So it happens that, the contacts that have not been selected for the private message receive a normal email without knowing that those chosen in Bccthis also receive the private message, in CCN, in addition to the email .
Bccthis protects these emails from any accidental "Reply to all" so there should be no problems or risks that others can then read private messages to hidden recipients.
It is not possible for now to send attachments in the private message but only text.
Bccthis is no longer supported.
My test was done on Outlook 2010 in English and I would like to have confirmations that it works correctly also on Outlook with previous versions and in Italian.
Finally, I remember, on another page, the best plugins and extensions for Microsoft Outlook .

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