Best antivirus for Linux to protect networked PCs

Those who use a Linux operating system instead of Windows on their computer, need an antivirus "> antivirus on Mac would be appropriate).
It is not so much because Linux is an open source and free system or because it is not widespread, the reason for this little spread of viruses on Linux computers is in how the system is designed, which, in a nutshell, always requires authorizations to the user.
However, this does not mean that you don't have to install an antivirus on Linux.
Today, viruses are created not to destroy but to steal information and even on Linux this is possible
But the main reason to install an antivirus on Linux is not to risk infections and malfunctions on the computer (a very rare event) but to not keep in mind viruses that can be transmitted to Windows computers .
An antivirus program for Linux offers a quick way to check your disks without the risk of infecting another networked Windows machine .
Viruses developed for Linux are almost always used only to remain hidden in memory and be ready to infect Windows computers.
However, even if not strictly necessary, those who do not want to risk anything can install one of these best free antivirus for Linux .
1) Sophos for Linux is the famous free antivirus program that is easy to update and quick to scan folders.
It is also very easy to install, by downloading the package for your distribution (rpm, deb or tar.gz), and registering to use Avast for free.
2) Comodo Antivirus, one of the best antivirus for Windows, also has a free Linux version and for all the most popular distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, Mint.
3) ClamAV is an open source antivirus and therefore completely free.
However, its use requires some command line knowledge, although there is a basic graphical interface for scanning.
The installation of ClamAV is simple and can be downloaded from the program repository included in the Linux distribution used.
4) F-Prot is a famous corporate antivirus that distributes a free home version for Linux computers.
Beyond the "you never know", keeping an antivirus for Linux handy, it can be useful for more expert systems engineers, to disinfect and heal a compromised Windows PC, detaching the hard disk from the PC and connecting it to the computer that mounts Linux as an operating system.

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