Microsoft Groove Music where you can listen to all the songs for free

Groove Music is not a music store like iTunes, but an unlimited and free online streaming music service provided by Microsoft and accessible from any PC via the web .
It is therefore a web application very similar to Spotify and Deezer with the difference, not a small one, that listening to online music is free for everyone and without limits.
The only price is listening to commercials every now and then, as happens when listening to the radio.
Groove Music was a really good service that could be placed at the top of the ranking of the best streaming music sites.
UPDATE: Groove Music can be used for free from the Groove Music app on Windows 10 by uploading your music to Onedrive.
To access the Groove Streaming Music site you must use the usual Microsoft account, but it is not free if not the first month of trial.
On the site you can search for the name of an artist or musical group and start listening continuously to all his discography .
For each song there is a Play button, a button to add it to the end of the list and one to add it to a playlist that can be saved.
In this way, next time you can listen to the playlist with your favorite songs.
The nice thing about Groove Music is that it syncs with the Windows 10 Music app .
Who has a Windows 8 PC does not need to install other things, just open the Music application to enter Groove Music where to search, listen to songs and music from favorite artists and where you can create playlists or find those created by the website.
Very nice, both in the Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 application, and on the Groove Music website, is the interface graphics, with photos of the great beautiful artists in high quality, album covers and biographies.
The audio quality is also very high and the streaming smooth and without interrupting buffering.

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