Manage Windows 10 Wifi connections

Anyone who moves with a laptop or Windows 10 tablet and connects to different wifi networks depending on where they are located must necessarily know where the options for managing wireless connections are, in order to be able to configure them in the right way.
The settings in Windows 10 on internet connections are important to understand and use, especially to stay connected safely, without risking that strangers can spy on our activities and what we do on the internet.
The Wifi section of the Windows 10 Settings allow you to choose which network to connect to, check the configuration addresses, change the network profile, add connections manually and set traffic restrictions.
First of all, to connect the Windows 10 PC to a wifi network, you only need to click on the wifi icon near the clock and connect to the network for which you know the protection key (or if it is free).
What happens, however, if the icon is not visible and you cannot activate a wifi connection "> show available networks", you can choose the network to connect to.
In this settings screen you can disable the wifi and make it wake up automatically after a few hours .
After turning off the switch, click at the bottom where it says Turn on wifi again and choose whether to do it manually or to do it in an hour, in 4 hours or in a day.
In case of problems on a network or to check the configuration parameters, you must always press the Manage known networks link in the Wifi activation menu.
In this list you will find the wifi networks to which we have connected today and in the past.
For each network it is possible to press the Properties button and the button to remove it from storage and, therefore, from the list.
The Properties button takes you to a screen with two important options, one for deciding whether to connect to that network automatically when that is available, the other for setting the connection on consumption .
A consumption connection is the one limited in traffic, such as the data connection of cellular networks that you pay over a certain limit.
Still in this list, at the top, you can also press the button to manually add a new wifi network .
If you click on the name of the wifi network to which we are connected, we can open the options screen which also includes all the parameters of the IP addresses and DNS .
All these parameters, including computer IP and host name, can be copied with the Copy button to save them in a text sheet (on the Notepad).
In addition to the automatic connection and consumption connection options, here we have a third option that allows you to make your PC discoverable on the network .
From here you can set up the private network in Windows 10 and sharing resources from our PC, so that other computers on the network can use shared folders and files.
If we are connected to a private home or office network, this option can be activated, otherwise absolutely not.
I refer to another guide to know how to share files and folders on PC.
Finally, on the Settings> Network and Internet> Wifi page there are two other interesting options, which however will remain disabled for most people.
These are the WiFi Services and Hotspot 2.0 Networks .
Wifi services are the option to automatically connect your computer to hotspots found around, for example public wifi networks.
The second, however, allows you to automatically identify the right public network in a bar or restaurant, if there are more than one.
To find all the other network options (such as the one to change DNS and IP address), the guide to the Network and Sharing Center also applies to Windows 10.

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