Movies, fiction and RAI programs to watch on RaiPlay

The RAI website is really well done, rich and free in viewing videos and content of all kinds. Not only is it possible, therefore, to watch the programs of RAI 1, RAI 2, RAI 3 and the other live streaming channels, but it is also possible to choose a program to watch it or watch it again if it has already been broadcast on TV.
On the Rai Play website and also through the RaiPlay Apps for Android and for iPhone, it is possible to review, in full, not only all the programs broadcast on the Rai 1, Rai 2 and Rai 3 channels, in the previous seven days, but also choose to see on the internet complete films and RAI fictions broadcast in the past.
The Rai-Play site becomes a kind of online video recorder to review your favorite shows of the previous week, or to see them, in reply, in case they have been lost.
The Rai Play page lists the 7 days prior to today in the top bar. Then click first on the day, then on the TV channel and finally, from the complete schedule, press on the program you want to see or review.
After a short advertisement, the online streaming of the chosen broadcast starts as it was broadcast on TV (including promotions).
The real sore point, for now, is that the transmissions are not all available. There are and there will be, including, for example, the World Cup matches, Italy's football matches, the news, the sports news, Sanremo, Ballarò and all the in-depth programs, quizzes and varieties.
From the menu on the left of Rai Play you can then access the list of children's cartoons, films and RAI fiction, to be viewed on the internet in streaming, free and complete. The films also include all American films that have already been broadcast on TV for the first time.
The video quality is excellent, it remains good even on full screen, on monitors larger than 20 inches and is still decent if you connected the computer to the TV. As if it were a video recorder, you can pause, stop playback and send it forward or backward with the integrated player bar.

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