15 things that the Internet has replaced, killed or made obsolete

There is often talk of the evil of the internet, of how dangerous it is, of the fact that young people are now alienated by always remaining attached to the computer or with their heads bowed to watch the smartphone even when they go out.
Certainly some people misuse the internet, abuse computers and smartphones and misuse them, but there is no denying today that the worldwide spread of the internet changed our lives like radio, telephone or other key inventions.
If it is true that we lived well even without the internet, it is also true that we can no longer go back and the web has replaced / canceled many things, technologies and habits that previously seemed indispensable or indispensable.
Over the years, the Internet has brought many great benefits to our lives and, for example, today we no longer need to go out of the house every morning to go get the daily newspaper, we no longer need to go to the bank to find out how much money we have. and we don't even need to remember trivial information like phone numbers or how to spell a certain word correctly.
The Internet does all this for us and, in this article we see a small list of things that the internet has made obsolete, things that if once they needed specific objects or appliances, today they are better done online in front of the computer or with a smartphone .
1) Public telephones no longer exist, they have now been replaced by cell phones and smartphones.
2) CDs and cassettes : assets have been killed by CDs, CDs are slowly disappearing in favor of digital media and MP3 players, MP3 players will disappear in the coming years in favor of streaming online music.
3) The encyclopedia : who buys more an encyclopedia when on the internet you can search for any information in a few minutes "> All the things you can do with a Smartphone
10) The Yellow Pages
I have been told that in some cities they continue to print and distribute them, but today nobody is looking for restaurants or denials in the Yellow Pages, if anything, they go to Yelp or Google.
11) Answering machines
The answering machine is now incorporated into the telephone and that device which recorded messages, which often appeared in American films, today hardly exists anymore.
12) Letters and postcards
With all the different ways of sending messages, emails and sending photos with your mobile phone on Facebook it seems impossible to think of writing letters in pen.
Postcards are perhaps less in use but certainly have not disappeared and will continue to be a way to greet relatives when traveling.
13) Music stores don't think they exist anymore since music can now be bought online.
14) Video rentals are now a remnant of the 90s and with the blockbuster failure they have almost disappeared in all cities.
15) Memory
What is the use of having memory when every information is available with two taps on the mobile phone?
I would say that memorizing the dates or names of a historical event is somewhat useless today, but certainly we must not lose the habit of thinking and remembering.
In reality, the culprits that killed more technologies are smartphones rather than the internet.
Many of the things on this list are still present, but the Internet and other forms of technology are offering solid alternatives.
What else can we add to this list?
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