How Facebook ruined our lives

Facebook has improved our life or made it worse "> Mashable has published a nice semi-serious list of how Facebook has ruined our life instead of improving it, in 10 ways worth thinking about.
READ ALSO: Clean up Facebook by hiding news from boring sites, groups, apps, pages and friends
1) Nobody gives us birthday greetings in person anymore
Until some time ago, before Facebook, a friend's birthday was always an occasion to make a phone call (or at least send him an SMS) also to know how he is. Today, with Facebook, birthday wishes are an automatic message on the friend's profile, often impersonal, certainly very fast. In the end, those who make their birthday will be satisfied not so much for the quality of their wishes but for the quantity of friends who have clicked the button. The same goes for other festive events such as Christmas, engagements, job promotions and any other festive occasion. It is true that thanks to Facebook you have the opportunity to send greetings to people we never see or even know.
2) Facebook makes us fight and brings out the worst of us
When it comes to hot topics such as politics, religion or other social issues, it is one thing to talk about it in person even in heated discussions, but never controversy, it is quite another to talk about it with messages on Facebook, where it is easy to offend others and where you they discover orientations and thoughts that we would never have expected from our friends. Another reason for contrast may come from the failure, but waited for a comment or "like" from a friend who makes us feel "snubbed".
3) Envy for the lifestyle of others
The real motto of Facebook should be "the grass of the neighbor is always greener". All our friends make wonderful trips, they work little, they have beautiful houses, they always go out for dinner, they are always around to have fun and they are always well tanned. There is nothing to do, even if what you see on Facebook is not reality, that bad human feeling that is envy becomes so natural and almost spontaneous.
4) Our favorite films, books and TV shows are ruined
We go to the cinema to see a movie, we go out happy because we liked it, then we open Facebook to see what others say and we discover criticisms that would never have occurred to us, sometimes so well argued as to make us even change our mind. Not to mention when he expects to see the next episode of our show already seen and someone who has already seen it leaves a nice comment on Facebook that ruins our suspense.
5) Diet spoiled
The photos of the dishes cooked by friends is one of the most frequent things that happens to see on Facebook, where it seems that people eat food so good and special that any attempt to diet is impossible.
6) I thought they were strong guys and instead look at what happened to them!
If it is true that, given Facebook, you can feel envy of someone, it is also true that for someone you can really feel disappointment seeing how boring it is in his thoughts. Maybe he was a guy we liked so much a few years ago or his work colleague who seemed a winner and worthy of esteem, who on Facebook shows all his littleness.
7) You realize how boring you are.
Looking at how boring it is who we thought was a strong guy, it can make us think that maybe we are not that funny too.
How do we stay when we publish a thought or a joke and nobody comments or likes us? What if this happens often? maybe the others ignore us? It is certainly not something that pleases.
8) Exclusion syndrome
So our friends went out to dinner together and, from the published photos, it seems they really enjoyed themselves. We are happy for them, but why have we not been called and invited to go out? In the end, the "rosicata" on Facebook is always around the corner and, on balance, it may be that lost friends are more than new friends.
9) Among hoaxes, advertisements and scams, one no longer knows what to believe.
Every day it happens that some friends share very strong, strange or incredible news, which in fact turn out to be hoaxes. At the same time, the advertisements, well hidden in the midst of normal posts, show us infallible methods to lose weight, have whiter teeth, find the girl or find work. In the end we end up thinking doubtful everything, frustrating Facebook's goal of being a channel of reliable information.
10) How much time wasted
The average American user spends 40 minutes a day on Facebook and, in my opinion, the Italian one even more. All time to read perhaps fake news, to look at photos and comments of friends that only make us nervous, to think of something valid or fun to write.
Before eating we take a photo of the dish, before celebrating we take a group photo and during the holidays, instead of resting, we take photos to show others. In the end, there was so much lost time that it could have been good for sleeping, working, reading a book or doing other certainly more productive activities.
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