How to disable automatic playback of videos on Youtube

Youtube has integrated a new feature on its video portal: automatic playback . Practically, after each video you see, another similar one starts, concerning the same topic or, if it is a music video, of the same genre.
The next proposed video will automatically play after 5/10 seconds, unless you cancel or pause it.
While watching a video, you can see which one will be the next by looking at the title at the top right, under the word " Next video ".
This feature is very useful especially if you want to use Youtube as a TV or radio that never interrupts the broadcast, as if it were a continuous TV channel, whose theme is chosen.
The automatic playback of Youtube can however be easily deactivated by moving the switch to the top right, so that it becomes gray and not with the blue colored v.
The switch is integrated into the Youtube video pages, but it is not really clearly visible and it seems rather one of those advertisements that pretend not to be to attract clicks, just below the banner at the top.
Instead it is integrated into Youtube.
Autoplay, I remember, is also active on the playlists, which are found every time you go looking for the name of an artist or a musical group.
READ ALSO: Youtube guide to watch movies and hear music at best from PC and smartphone

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