Whatsapp: Send the same message to multiple people simultaneously

If to write Christmas greetings to all friends in Whatsapp we wrote the same message and if we copied and pasted it 10 or 20 times writing to each of them individually, we made a big mistake and wasted time in something that it could be done significantly faster, with a single sending.
One of the oldest functions of Whatsapp, and also one of the least used and known, in fact, is the one that allows you to send a message to several people at the same time .
It is not about creating a group, where the greetings cannot be personal, but about sending the same message to several selected people, so that these people receive it as if it was sent only to them and not to others.
The function to use to send the same message to everyone is broadcast .
You can send a new broadcast from Whatsapp by going to the main menu (top right button in the Android version).
You will then have to select the contacts to send the message to, write it and send it as normal.
The people you send the message to must be registered in our phone book.
The broadcast function therefore allows you to send a message to multiple contacts at the same time, making it look like our own single message .
If we send a happy new year with Whatasapp, we can write the message in a broadcast and make sure that it reaches everyone as if it had been written individually.
Replies to broadcasts from individual contacts are received in personal chats with these people, not therefore in the broadcast.
There is no limit to the number of broadcasts that can be created, but a maximum of 256 contacts can be selected for each multiple send.
To make sure messages are received and read, touch the message and hold, then touch the i to open the information sheet that tells us if it has been delivered and read.
For each broadcast created you can add other recipients of our messages.
You have to open the broadcast, touch the title and then touch the + button at the top right to add other people to the broadcast list.
READ ALSO: Whatsapp and Broadcast groups: notifications, chat options and help

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