Operator codes and formulas to search on Google

According to the latest statistics, many people consider Facebook as the only website in the world and surf the internet without ever leaving the social network which is then used to find news, get informed and communicate with other people.
Basically it seems that people have lost the habit of searching the internet, which would then be the easiest thing to do to find answers, to know if a news is true and to discover new facts about practically anything.
Searching the internet is the most useful thing you can do on the internet thanks to Google's ability to provide almost always precise and punctual results (even if they often always come from the same sites).
In this guide, we see some of the most useful codes, operators and shortcuts for searching on Google in order to find immediate results and make it easier to search for information .
READ ALSO: Google advanced search tricks for immediate results and answers
1) Look for exact sentences
If you have to search for a quote or check if a certain phrase is someone's quote or simply to do a search with precise words, just use the quotation marks around the keywords that contain the exact phrase.
For example, " how to search on Google "
2) Exclude a word
If the search results contain a word that has different meanings or if unwelcome authors and sites appear in the results, you can make sure to exclude a word from the search by adding a hyphen (-) before it.
For example " install windows -aranzulla "
3) Search with Google on a site
You can search within a specific site from Google by including the term before or after the formula site :, for example site: navigaweb.net .
In this regard, you can also read how to create custom search engines with Google.
4) Search for sites with content similar to a particular site
You can search for content similar to that found on a web page, using the formula related: before the url.
For example, related: www.navigaweb.net/2015/08/quale-tablet-android-comprare-e-come.html
5) Look for a web page that contains two or more words in the text or title
If you want to find a web page containing all the keywords used in the search, you must use the intext: or allintext: code before the search term.
If you want a certain word or series of words to be included in the result title, then you need to use the operator title : or allintitle:
The difference between intext: and allintext: and also between title : or allintitle: is that without the all only one word is searched, while with all all words are searched.
6) Do math calculations on Google
Looking for a mathematical operation, for example 2 + 2, you get on Google not only the exact result, but also the calculator to do other operations.
You can use the letter X or the asterisk * for multiplication or the symbol / to do the division.
7) Convert units of measurement
If you want to know how many liters correspond to a gallon, or to know how many miles are a kilometer, then you can use Google by simply writing 1 miles in kilometers .
Searching for the words unit converter, the conversion tool opens in which to choose all the units of measure for everything.
8) Search by file type
If you are looking for a specific file on the web, you can use the formula filetype: and then specify the file format you want to search for.
For example, filetype: pdf form sky specific document you are looking for and Google will limit the results to pages containing these types of document.
A nice trick to do this type of search is a site that allows you to find exactly one file on the whole internet using operators and codes to search on Google.
This is filechef, a site that using operators manages to exclude any result other than downloading the searched file.
9) Find definitions
Google is also capable of functioning as a vocabulary for every language in the world.
You can then search for the meaning of a word by searching with " definition ", for example definition histogram
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10) Translate into another language
To make translations of a word, just search on Google: dog in English or pen in German and read what the automatic translator says.
11) Find flight times on Google
To find out the flight schedules just write flight from Rome to Milan and Google will give all the details on today's flights with the prices recorded.
The flight price and timetable box may not be the first result, but it may be after advertising.
12) Open a site even if it is offline
If a site is unreachable at a given moment, Google is still able to load the page using the cache: operator.
For example, you can search for cache: navigaweb.net
13) Find your cell phone
If you are using an Android smartphone, you can search for " find phone " to see the map and the exact location of the mobile phone.
To make this phone search work on Google, however, you need to configure some settings.
14) Sounds of animals
One of the most fun codes in Google is the one that allows you to listen to the sounds of animals, to hear with our ears how they do.
15) Look for the way to get to a place
If you have to go somewhere, you can simply search on Google " go to Via Roma " and the first result will show a map with the way to go to get to Via Roma starting from the position where we are and the time based to traffic.
READ ALSO: 20 useful or fun things to search with Google

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