Quick keys for all browsers: IE, Chrome, Firefox and Opera

The computer keyboard is not only used to write text, but also to move and manage open programs faster than you would with the mouse.
The less computer savvy will be surprised by this statement, but just try making a copy and paste to see how much faster it is to do it with the CTRL-C and CTRL-V keys rather than using the mouse.
Key combinations or shortcuts are even more important for web browsers, so you can switch between sites and interact with each web page without having to search for the option or command with the mouse.
Web browsers all have the same key combinations that are therefore worth knowing so that you can use them on any computer.
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera, these shortcuts and combinations (including some involving the mouse) will surely work.
READ ALSO: Main combinations of keys and shortcuts for Windows
- Press the Ctrl 1-8 keys to switch to the specified tab, counting from the left.
- Ctrl 9 to go to the last tab.
- Ctrl Tab to go to the next tab on the right.
- Ctrl Shift Tab to switch to the previous tab on the left.
- Ctrl W or Ctrl F4 to close the current tab.
- Ctrl Shift T to reopen the last closed tab.
- Ctrl T to open a new tab.
- Ctrl N opens a new browser window.
- Alt + F4 closes the window you are looking at.
- Space or PGG to scroll down a page
- Shift Space or PG Up to scroll upwards
- Home to go to the top of the page.
- End to go to the bottom end
- Mouse wheel to scroll the page
Mouse actions for tabs
- Middle button on the tab of a tab to close it. - Close the card.
- Ctrl + left click or middle button to open a link in another background tab.
- Shift + left click opens a link in a new browser window.
- Ctrl + Shift + left click opens a link in a featured tab.
- Alt + Left arrow or delete key to go back to the previous page
- Alt + Right arrow, or Shift + delete key to go to the next one
- F5 to update the page.
- Ctrl + F5 or Ctrl R to update the page without loading it from the cache and re-downloading the visited site
- Esc to stop loading a page - Stop.
- Alt + Home to open the homepage
- Ctrl K or Ctrl E to immediately start searching from the address bar or the dedicated search box.
- Alt Enter to open the search in a new tab.
- Ctrl F or F3 opens the search box on the page.
- Ctrl G or F3 go to the next in the search on a page
- Ctrl Shift G or Shift F3 to go to the previous correspondence of the text searched on the page.
Address bar
- Ctrl L or Alt D or F6 to focus on the address bar so you can start writing or searching
- Alt + Enter to open the internet address written in the address bar in a new tab.
- Ctrl + or Ctrl mouse wheel upwards to zoom in
- Ctrl -, Ctrl mouse wheel down to move away
- Ctrl 0 to return to the default zoom level.
F11 for full screen mode.
History and favorites
- Ctrl H Opens the browsing history.
- Ctrl J opens the download history.
- Ctrl D Add the site you are visiting to your favorites
- Ctrl Shift Del is used to open the window to clear all the browser history.
Other functions
- Ctrl P Print the page.
- Ctrl S Save the page on the computer
- Ctrl O Opens a file on the browser from the computer.
- Ctrl U to open the HTML of the page (Not in IE)
- F12 Opens the developer tools
If you know other key combinations for the browsers you use often and want to share, leave a comment.
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