Activate the mouse click lock on Windows

I recently activated on my Windows PC a particular option that I had never noticed until recently, that of blocking mouse clicks, in my opinion very convenient.
The Lock Click in Windows allows you to improve the drag of files on the desktop and folders, so as to highlight, select and move files, folders and objects without having to hold down the mouse button .
In this way, moving the files, in addition to being less tiring, is also more precise because you have plenty of time to think about where to put it, without making mistakes like dragging the file by accidentally releasing a folder that has nothing to do with it.
With the click lock instead, to move a file, just press on a file for one or two seconds, release the mouse and then click again move the cursor to the desired position.
Note that the click block also works in selecting text, allowing you to highlight portions of text on a web page or document, without having to hold down.
To activate the mouse click block on Windows you must open the Control Panel and enter the Mouse configuration.
Navigate to the Buttons tab to find and activate the Block Click option.
Press on Apply and immediately try to press on a desktop file for a few seconds, release and click on another point to move it.
As you will notice, once activated the option you can always use the classic drag.
In the Buttons tab, in the Mouse section of the Control Panel, you can press the settings button to decide and adjust how long you need to press the mouse button initially, before the click is blocked.
If you prefer, you can raise the lever so that the click lock does not activate until you press an object for more seconds.
Council to try this option especially for those who use the laptop with the touchpad, with which it is difficult to use the drag using your finger.
Obviously it will also take some time to get used, especially in the selection of the text, being careful not to delete entire documents due to the selection made with the click block.
READ ALSO: 10 tricks with the mouse: clicks and buttons in different ways

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