Alcohol test: Check your blood sugar level online or with the app

For the useful internet series, let's see how to check online the objective value of the blood sugar level that can be detected in the blood after drinking different types of alcohol.
I say objective threshold because alcohol can be absorbed by the human body differently from person to person, so if one can dispose of a beer in half an hour, another may have to rest for longer.
However, since the alcohol test that is carried out by the police with breathalyzers is aimed at punishing those who drive a drunk car, in order not to risk being caught in transgression despite not being drunk at all, it is better to know what and how much you can drink online general.
For example, drinking on a full stomach has a significantly lower effect than drinking on an empty stomach, without having eaten anything.
The theoretical blood alcohol content calculated by simple web applications is based on four main parameters: how much one drank, the alcohol content, the sex and the weight of the person.
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With reference to cocktails, the objective detection tool becomes rather inaccurate also because it is difficult to understand how alcoholic a cocktail is that is made differently by the barman on duty.
It may be that it is full of ice and watered down or that it is very strong, with mixed spirits and slightly diluted.
The law, on the other hand, is very precise in this regard and sets the alcohol threshold equal to 0.5 per liter of blood. Once this threshold has been exceeded, there is a fine, the withdrawal of the driving license and perhaps also the obligation of sessions by the psychologist. In short, even if you are only going out for dinner, there is the possibility of being drunk if you have drunk 3 or 4 glasses of wine.
For the accuracy of the penalties and limits, you can read the relevant article of the precise highway code on the state police website .
The limits are summarized in a summary table that can be downloaded and printed, with all the alcohol values ​​detected after about an hour, depending on what you drink.
In this other table, instead, there are the effects of alcohol and the symptoms of drunkenness, depending on the intake and quantity in the blood.
The useful and fun Social Media Sobriety Test application is instead an online alcohol test (also for Android and iPhone) to protect yourself from writing and publishing bad, offensive and things that you might regret. It is a plugin for the Google Chrome and Firefox browsers, which intervenes when you access Facebook, Twitter or any other site chosen to take an online sobriety test. If you pass the test, you continue, otherwise it is better to turn off the computer and go to bed. Tests to check one's lucidity are fairly amusing fast games, based on real tests of sobriety, similar to those that can be done on the street to see if one has drunk too much.
For an indicative estimate (to be taken only as a knowledge base) you can go to the Alcolino website and fill in the short questionnaire that calculates the possible blood alcohol level online . The gender, if male or female, the weight in kilograms, if you drank on a full or empty stomach and what you drank and in what quantity is written. In the list you can add: small beer or can, medium beer, aperitif with vermouth, glass of wine, digestives, bitters or limoncelli, grappas, wiskhy, cognac, strong spirits and cocktails. The result changes according to the choices made and is a good theoretical basis on which to base yourself when you go out and drink, driving your car (if you don't drive, get drunk as you please).
The online virtual breathalyzer which measures the blood alcohol content after drinking an alcoholic drink is also very useful. Just write the Age, Sex, Height and Weight, write how many glasses have been drunk and how many alcoholic degrees to find out the probable rate.
We could say that by making a mix between the two online blood sugar tests you could get a closer and more personalized estimate, to keep in mind when you go out and you have to drive the car.
If you go beyond the limits, even if you don't feel drunk and you could drive safely, in order not to risk your license and all the inconveniences that would result from a check, it is better to wait an hour, drink water, eat something and expel alcohol in the bathroom (useless to think of surviving with a mint). Theoretically, 10-15 ml of alcohol should be lost per hour. If you get caught in the bag, never refuse checking with the police breathalyzer; much better to seek diplomacy, to hope that the policeman is understanding and to offer forgiveness, offering him to wait some time before getting back behind the wheel.
An Android app to control blood alcohol content is My Limit, released in 2019. The app uses an algorithm that estimates blood alcohol levels based on the type and amount of alcohol drunk. It's not a breathalyzer test so it won't be 100% accurate, but it can give a general idea.
Another application

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