Add the description to the Whatsapp groups

A small novelty in Whatsapp allows you to add a description to the groups to which you have been invited, moreover without needing to be administrators.
This feature therefore adds to the ability to change groups' names and images, which can be fun if it comes to friends or people willing to joke.
The group description feature allows users to add 500-character text that can be viewed on the group's general tab and allows you to define topics or rules to follow.
As of now, any user can add or edit the group description and as with other features, every time the group description is changed, all participants will be notified.
The usefulness of this function is particularly useful for those who participate in many poorly defined groups or with the name that changes often, in order to know who is inside and what they are talking about, with a description that provides a brief summary of what that it is.
READ ALSO: Whatsapp and Broadcast groups: notifications, chat options and help
To write the description to a group, simply open the chat and tap on its title at the top.
The button to add the description appears under the group name and just touch it to edit it or write it new.
From the same group card you can also touch the pencil key to change the group name.
By touching the image, however, you can see it in full screen and change it by pressing the pencil button at the top.
Name, image and description of the groups can be changed by all members and not only by the administrator.

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