Most useful parameters to launch Chrome (dashes -)

Chrome is a very special browser, so full of options and settings that it almost seems like a complete operating system.
Among the various possibilities of using Chrome, there are the startup parameters, those introduced by the double dash -, which can add functionality to the browser, change the way it is used or remove functions. Some commands are useful only to developers, as they allow them to test some features of Chrome, while others also have practical uses for normal users who will appreciate the possibility of being able to create different launch icons to use according to the need. For example, you can start Chrome in private mode, or connected to a different user or still in mode without extensions so as to open it faster when you are in a hurry to see something.
The list below shows some of the most important Chrome startup parameters.
READ ALSO: Chrome "Flags" options to be activated to use the most useful experimental functions
First of all, let's see how these launch parameters are written for Google Chrome on Windows PC .
The easiest way to start Chrome with boot option is to use the command prompt. Press the Windows key, type cmd and press Enter. In the command prompt with the CD command you change directories.
In Windows 10, 7 and 8 instead write cd% LOCALAPPDATA% \ Google \ Chrome \ Application
now write chrome.exe followed by the option that always starts with two dashes - and press Enter.
An example would be the following command:
chrome.exe --reset-variation-state
To always launch Chrome with a parameter set, without having to launch it from the command prompt, you need to change the start path of the Chrome link located on the desktop.
Keeping the one already present unchanged, make a copy (press on it with the right button then press on Create link) and then set a start command in this way.
On the new link, right click on it, enter the Properties and in the destination field add the parameter after chrome.exe, making a space.
For example you can have C: \ Users \ pomhey \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe --reset-variation-state .
At the end press on Apply and give the name you want to the link to distinguish it from the main one.
The most useful parameters to launch Chrome are:
--disable-3d-apis Disables 3D APIs including WebGL
--disable-sync If you don't want to sync everything with the linked Google account.
--disable-accelerated-video Disable hardware acceleration (lightening Chrome)
--disable-background-mode applications will not run in the background (this option can also be permanent if configured in Chrome's advanced options.
--disable-gpu Disables GPU hardware acceleration.
--disable-plugins Not to let plugins load.
-–Allow-outdated-plugins to enable obsolete and disabled plugins.
--disable-extensions to disable extensions.
--disable-translate to disable the automatic translation function.
--dns-prefetch-disable disables DNS prefetch.
- incognito to launch Chrome already in incognito mode.
--no-experiments to start CHrome without loading the chrome: // flags options.
--purge-memory-button to add a button that empties the memory (in the task manager).
--restore-last-session to restore the last session on startup.
--start-maximized to start Chrome with a large window.
--kiosk "" to open Chrome without address bar full screen on the selected site, you can only navigate with the keyboard.
--enable-features = SoundContentSetting to mute the sound of specific sites.
--enable-dom-distiller to activate the reading mode.
If you know or have found other Chrome boot parameters that may be useful, let us know in the comments.
The full list of options - to launch Chrome are on this page
READ ALSO: Google Chrome tricks, hidden commands and options for expert navigation

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