Add a photo as a Gmail background

Gmail, in 2008, was improved with the possibility of applying a personalized graphic theme in order to change the look of the interface by placing a different background and changing the colors of buttons, borders and writings.
Google in November 2011 changed the look of Gmail with high definition HD themes that further improved the choice of site themes, leaving the user the possibility to set up high definition photos by changing the appearance of the mailbox.
For some days Google has improved the option of choosing personalized themes by allowing users to put their own photo as the background of the site .
Open the Gmail homepage, click the Settings icon at the top right and then on the " Themes " item to enter the selection.
You can then choose Color themes, HD themes, Classic themes and then also the personalized themes which are two, Light and dark .
by clicking on one of these, the window opens in which to choose the computer photo, a phone photo or one from your Picasa or Google+ album.
After adding a custom theme for Gmail, you can switch between the light and dark styles directly in the interface.
To edit the photo there is a button to change the background image .
As an image file you must use a photo that is at least 2560 x 1920 px.
In selecting the background, you need to choose a well-defined and not very bright photo otherwise the writing and the buttons can be difficult to read and confused.
Dark images, at least in the upper half of the screen, work better than bright ones.
Personalized themes, certainly nice to make the Gmail page more personal and more at home, are part of Google's continuous work of transforming Gmail into a real client, usable by computer even by opening Gmail without internet connection.

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