10 hidden Youtube features not only for watching videos

YouTube is the most popular and arguably the best video sharing site on the web.
We all use it to search for videos, listen to music, follow the stars and even find clips of movies or old TV broadcasts, but the Youtube.com site also offers several other really powerful hidden functions, which not only allow you to manage playback more simple, but also to take advantage of internal tools such as those for editing your own videos, which you need to know.
Below, we see the best Youtube functions, the most hidden ones on the site, which do not require you to install any extension or additional program.
READ ALSO: Youtube guide to watch videos and listen to music from PC and smartphone
1) YouTube with the keyboard
To manage video playback it can be really convenient to use the keyboard, especially if you are using a wireless keyboard while staying away from your computer.
The main keys to use are:
  • Space bar or K button, to pause the video and resume it.
  • J to send the video back 10 seconds.
  • L to advance the video for 10 seconds.
  • M to mute the audio.
  • Right and left arrow keys to go back and forth 5 seconds.
  • Up and down arrows to raise and lower the volume.
  • F, to view the video in full screen
  • Numbers 1 to 9 to quickly jump from one point in the video to another.
  • Shift + N to move to the next video in the tail line.
NOTE: By opening the Youtube site for TV you can only use the keyboard to search and select the video to watch.
2) Disable automatic playback on YouTube
When you open a video and it ends, Youtube automatically uploads and plays another similar video. This autoplay mode can be convenient for music playlists, but may not work well in other cases. To disable automatic Youtube playback, simply turn off the switch at the top of the right column.
3) Privacy on YouTube
Accessing Youtube with the Google account is convenient for remembering your favorite videos, but it can be a problem for privacy as each search is recorded in a history.
To manage Youtube privacy, you must access the Youtube Privacy page, where you can choose whether to keep private information such as: adding a video to your favorites, I like it on a video, keeping channel subscriptions private.
In addition, open the Google account privacy settings page, press on Start under the Privacy section and check the page with the title " Manage shared content on YouTube " where you can also choose that each uploaded video remains private and visible only to us, to unless we decide to publish it. With this option, you can use Youtube to save your videos online without necessarily sharing them with others.
Finally, you can clear the Youtube history of searches and videos viewed and suspend this history.
4) Share videos not from the beginning but only a piece .
When you press the button to share the video on Facebook or in other ways, you can also choose to share it from a certain moment, writing the minute and the second.
5) Slowed or accelerated videos
As seen in another guide, it is possible to speed up the viewing of Youtube videos to save time by pressing the gear button of the Settings, setting the speed to 1.25, which is very useful when following tutorials or speeches, to shorten them without losing a word. Conversely, it is also possible to slow down a video if you have to follow it carefully, using the same function, setting the speed of the video to 0.5.
6) Italian subtitles
Some Youtube videos have subtitles in Italian and it is possible to activate and view them by pressing the relative button. If only English subtitles were available, you can still read them in Italian by pressing the video settings button, the one with the gear, go to Subtitles and then to automatic translation . This is very useful especially for following tutorials or speeches in other languages.
7) Manage Youtube from the smartphone
As seen in another article, you can remotely control Youtube on your PC from your mobile phone in a very simple way, by pairing your smartphone with your PC in Youtube TV mode.
8) Create videos from photos and add special effects to your videos.
Youtube provides some high-level and very easy-to-use tools to edit your videos, even without sharing them, keeping them for yourself.
The Youtube Video Editor, which has existed for several years, has now become a complete and powerful tool, not only useful for remixing videos, but is also able to create videos starting only from a series of photos, using free music and special effects .
9) Dark and Light mode
On youtube you can choose whether to display the light background or the dark black background, which is more suitable when viewing videos at night. To do this, press the user icon in the upper right corner to find the option that activates the dark theme.
10) Picture in Picture
The Picture in Picture mode allows you to keep watching a video in a moving window in the foreground, while browsing other Youtube pages, for example to look for another one to watch. To activate it on Youtube just press the right button on the video and choose the option. In another article, we also saw how to open sites and videos in floating windows on Chrome.
11) Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs are mini games or special effects that come out if you do some research like, for example, the one that makes the Youtube site dance looking for the words " Do the Harlem Shake ".
In another article the collection of the 10 best jokes on Youtube and Easter Eggs.
Bonus: you can search for the word asmr on Youtube to find particular videos spoken only in a low voice, which seem to be very relaxing and make you fall asleep.
CONTINUE WITH: 20 YouTube tricks and different ways of watching videos

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