Turn any site into a desktop app with Chrome on Windows

With Windows 10 we are receiving several updates even in the most popular programs, which try to integrate into the new Microsoft operating system in order to take advantage of the new features.
For example Firefox on Windows 10 looks different while Chrome on PC has added a small feature (which also works on Windows 7 and 8) to make each website as an independent app, which is bootable from the Start menu or even from the bar of applications.
In this mode, it becomes possible to open websites in a minimal and independent way with respect to the main browser, without buttons and without a navigation bar, with all the space taken by the site.
In this case the app is not intended as a smartphone application that you download and install but simply a way to open a specific site in a separate window by clicking on its icon.
To transform any website into an App, just open it in Chrome and then click on the main menu, the one with the icon of the three horizontal lines at the top right.
From here, go to Other tools and then press on " Add to desktop ".
In the popup you can select the " open as window " option and change the name of the site.
The icon of the site transformed into an app will appear in the Start menu among the recently added apps or, in the list of all apps, in the Chrome Applications folder.
This folder is located in the path C: \ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Apps Chrome
By right-clicking on the icon added to the desktop, you can add the site / app to the Start menu or the taskbar.
From the desktop, by clicking on the icon with the right button and going in the properties, it is also possible to change the icon displayed.
By clicking on the new application from the desktop you can open that site in a separate and smaller window, without a menu and without a navigation bar, as if it were a unique and independent app.
Apps added in this way are also visible in the list of apps in Chrome, by pressing the button at the top left of the bookmarks bar.
The sites that have the best performance to be opened as applications, besides of course Navigaweb.net, are:
1) Gmail, to always keep the site open, as if it were a mail program installed in Windows.
2) Facebook, to use Facebook as an app
3) Whatsapp Web, to chat from PC
4) Skype Web to make calls and chat without installing the program
5) Facebook Messenger website, to chat with friends without opening Facebook.
6) Youtube, to view videos with a dedicated page (especially the Youtube TV version makes it good as an app)
7) Twitter, to follow the news in real time
8) Google News to stay updated on what's going on.
9) Google Office apps
10) Microsoft Office online
Finally, note that the use of apps allows you to save some memory on your PC.
By opening the CHrome task manager, in fact, each site transformed into an app is opened in a separate process making it easy to distinguish between the sites that take up the most memory and, at the same time, to close the heaviest sites without having to terminate the browser.

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