See who is no longer a friend on Facebook and cancel the friendship

It is known that today rejecting a friend request on Facebook is almost a discourtesy but canceling a friendship is something to be tied to the finger forever.
When you have more than 100 contacts on the list, if you notice that the counter of friends is going down, it is very difficult to understand who was the one who deliberately canceled the friendship with me.
This of checking the friends who delete you from their contact list and who are therefore no longer friends is really simple and is among the main tricks of Facebook.
On this occasion, compared to what is found around the internet, I list three alternative methods to check Facebook friendships .
Keeping track of all Facebook contacts can be a problem, not only if you have many (hundreds or thousands) but also to check if your beautiful friend still follows me or if someone no longer wants to know anything about us.
Even when there is a tendency to add a large number of strangers it could be an interesting statistic to see how many of them remain friends and how many, after initially accepting, withdraw the friendship.
In short, without starting to manually write the list of friends and make comparisons by eye you can find a notification system that notifies you when someone is no longer a friend .
There are five friend verification tools:
1) Who Deleted Me is an app for Android, for iPhone and an extension for Google Chrome and Firefox, which sends us an alert every time someone deletes us from their friends list on Facebook.
Easy to use, all automatic, free, it is really functional and without tricks.
2) Facebook applications to find lost or removed friends work without installing anything on the browser and on the computer.
3) The extension for Google CHrome Unfriend Finder allows you to check both who cancels the friendship and is no longer present in my contact list and who has canceled or deactivated the account, who has been banned, and those who have been canceled from me.
After installing it, by accessing Facebook, a pop-up appears which warns the activation of the script and on which it is possible to configure some options.
This time everything can be immediately touched by hand, a new button appears at the top right with the words : " Unfriend " which leads to the list of former friends .
The account options now have an additional tab relating to the notification settings of friends who have canceled the friendship relationship and in which you can also put the Italian language.
This plugin also shows friendships awaiting confirmation, i.e. the list of those to whom a friend request has been sent but which has not yet been confirmed.
From the list of pending requests it is also possible to remove the previously submitted friend request.
The notifications appear like normal Facebook ones, even with a -1 logo, and warn both if a friendship is canceled and if someone has expressly refused to become my friend.
you can also export the list of unconfirmed or deleted friends from the options.
4) Facebook Friends Checker is a userscript that can be installed on the Firefox browser via the Greasemonkey extension and on Chrome.
So, everything can be enabled in three clicks and without having to do any configuration by hand: first install Firefox then install the Greasemonkey plugin and finally Facebook Friends Checker .
This User Script, like all Greasemonkey scripts, acts only on the browser installed on your PC.
Facebook Friends Checker loads itself, without giving any sign, every time you access Facebook from the Login page.
In fact, every 2 hours, it scans friends, saves it in a list that is compared with the previous situation; if it finds missing names, send the notification to the video saying who is no longer a friend because he has deleted us from the contact list.
Each previous friend, who is no longer a friend, will be listed on the Facebook page with the options to view his profile and also to cancel any pending friend request.
Facebook users with many friends, more than a thousand, should increase the control intervals, from 2 to, at least 4 hours (from Firefox Greasemonkey options, to script management).
If it does not work properly, it is likely that you have too many friends and that the script cannot work.
I take this opportunity to warn you that you can import Facebook contacts to Yahoo mail, Hotmail and Gmail.

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